Built my Zynthian but the screen display is upside down, ending with a summary and article on displays, I2C and SPI

What’s your guitar rig? I have a Boss GP-10 with a Godin XtSA - I have plugged its USB into a headless Zynthian and it gets 8 channels, each string on one plus the main output. I have not done much with it, other than using it as an acoustic :>

Oooooh! there is fun being had here!!
The drums at 0:44 ish are tremendous!

Straight onto the cajon…

Well that’s my excuse!

There is a lot of useful information and direction scattered about in this thread:

@le51 posted commands, etc to set and show diagnostic display info:

@wyleu posted some info on setting display parameters:

@riban and @jofemodo contributed their questions and advice:
Built my Zynthian but the screen display is upside down, ending with a summary and article on displays, I2C and SPI - #12 by riban
Built my Zynthian but the screen display is upside down, ending with a summary and article on displays, I2C and SPI - #13 by jofemodo
And finally what prompted this post, an article on hack-a-day has a great tutorial on displays, I2C and SPI, which provides a lot of info, probably most useful for homebrew Zynthians NOT using the official kit:
Displays We Love Hacking: SPI And I2C | Hackaday


I know this is an old topic, but I just got my v5.1 running and this happened to me, so this comment might help someone rushing as I did :stuck_out_tongue:
While I was waiting for the sd card to finish writing and verified, I decided to make an attempt with my working V2 sd card, which I had ready with the current stable oram… and everything seemed to be working except for the upside down screen.
As soon as I booted the new sd card, at some point it reverted to the normal orientation and it’s working flawlesssly!


I had the same issue when i built my v5,1 kit and the problem was solved by using a Sandisk extreme 32 GB Micro SD card.