Bye Bye V4... V5 is coming!


so, it looks like Zynthian can act as an USB audio+Midi compliant device with its USB type B connector ?

Or am I just dreaming ?


It’s just like this. Currently only MIDI device is implemented.


great !

Steps after steps :innocent:

have a good Sonar Fest my friend.

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I fell in love… I hope my wife doesn’t find out!!! :pleading_face: :shushing_face:



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3 posts were split to a new topic: MIDI Routing and interfacing

Hi All,
Having recently got a RPi4B and 10.1inch HDMI touch screen and played with the latest stable SW 6 june as a barebones system without the HW switches rotary encoders , I am considering the options to upgrade the UI functionality. It looks a bit messy to use the available v4 pcbs and connector , and better to wait for V5 hardware and subassembly .
Please could you advise on the following:-
1] Really like use of a larger touch display, and do not see the 5inch screen as useable, will the v5 kit options and case design allow for an external HDMI touch display connector interface?
2] I would really like to have access to the arranger, and use of rotary knobs and switches and regard these as essential to get the most out of the Zynthian. Will it be possible to buy a custom build kit that has all parts but not the display?? when available ?
Thanks , great work, love making music with Zynthian

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The case design doesn’t have any external display connector, sorry. The main board includes a special connector for a custom 7inch display: HDMI + Touch I2C in single 24 pin FPC connector.

We plan to sell the main board (and some accessories like the thermal block) separately as it’s a very good core for building a custom zynthian. It has several custom connectors, being the most important one the control connector, that is a very simple interface for a wide range of control boards, exposing the I2C bus, SPI pins for RGB-LED control, 6 GPIO, power and GND.
We have already built 2 (quite!) different control boards using this connector and we envision people building custom control boards, integrating switches of any type, encoders, analog pots, capacitive sensors, etc.

In the other hand, we don’t see much sense in selling separately the V5 control board or the aluminum case. They are V5-specific and they only have sense for building a V5. Of course we will sell it as replacement parts, but they are not intended for building custom zynthians.

Kind Regards!

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BTW, the V5-eurorack prototype is finished and working like a charm:

Just in time for the Sonar+D!



Sexy. Absolutely filthy. Oh you dirty little oscillator. #onlyzynths.

(P.s. I love the way you hide all your succulents and cacti off cam, you tease🤣)

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You are cursed geniuses… tears flow down my face… Well done

The new V5 is very similar to my homebuilt Zynthian… Same… :roll_eyes: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Absolutely love this!! Where can I preorder one??

Hi @DonnaH welcome in Zynthian’s wonderful world.

Up in this post are some 3D renderings like this or that showing that extending the HDMI output to the left hand side of the box is totally doable with the help of some 3rd party parts from aliexpress.

A self made box is another way to go. Because, all hardware designs are available open sourced, you can adapt them to fit what you exactly needs :wink:

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I’ve been screaming just take my money at him for months he won’t do it.

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No me

Zynthian noob here! I’m curious about that new headphone output: by logic I’m guessing it outputs whatever is sent to the two main outs, in stereo.
Would it be possible in any way to send through that output a different “mix” to it for personal IEM monitoring? This could consolidate my FX processor + DI (due to the balanced outs) + Mixer (for monitoring from the DI thru) setup in a neat little package.

The headphone output is a feed of the main mix. We do not have a separate DAC for a separate headphone mix. We have been considering how we may provide accessibility features like audio description mixed with a monitor mix on the headphone output but the current solutions involve mixing a lo-fi speech feed with the main stereo mix.

The official hardware does not include extra audio outputs but you can use an USB soundcard with more i/o. The monitor mix would have to be contrived with manual routing and mixing because currently the Zynthian mixer has just one stereo mix bus.

How would you envisage creating the monitor mix? An extra control per chain, e.g. monitor send?


Thanks le51,
After consideration, I will probably opt to wait untill the full v5 is available and try this out before committing to a large display custom build. If the standard display with stylus touchfoes not prove restrictive I might just opt out of t he custom route.However as you say it looks doable , and I really like the idea of working on large touch screen .


The wiki’s V5 build tutorial is finished:

We will start selling the first V5 kit units very soon, hopefully by first week of July.
