Can I load a Helm bank using native UI?

Has anyone done this successfully? If I export a bank from the desktop version of Helm v0.9.0, copy the bank to the SD card in my Zynthian over SCP (the only spare USB thumb drive I have isn’t recognized), and then load it using Helm’s native UI via VNC nothing happens - the bank isn’t loaded, no error messages or anything.

I’d love to be able to make a bunch of patches on my Windows laptop and load them onto the Zynthian later. Am I missing something?

I do not have Helm on another machine so could not test the full workflow but, saving a preset in the native UI then loading in the native UI does recall the preset. It does not update zynthian preset or controllers display so zynthian does not show any changes but the preset is loaded into Helm.

Is this your experience?

I’ll check later today, I only tried loading a bank saved from the PC version (same version number). I’ll try exporting a bank from the native UI on the Zynthian and see if it reloads, good idea.

If not, hopefully if I manually copy the individual presets over via SCP that will work.

Just be careful as I don’t think all the Helm settings get stored in the lv2 preset definition.

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Thanks for the heads up!

EDIT: I ended up not bothering with Helm’s bank format and just manually copied the individual .helm files into the /root/.helm/patches/ then manually loaded them and saving lv2 presets in the Zynthian one at a time. Took a little time but works fine and so far they all seem to sound the same when I reload the lv2 presets.