Can i use a hifiberry dac+ zero

hi there title self explanatory really is it possible to build a zynthian with one of these.

many thanks

Hi @martindunne,

I think: yes - BUT: The Hifiberry DAC+ Zero has no trough connected GPIO header. So you have to think about how to connect the TFT and the encoders. Perhaps you also have to change the /boot/config.txt for an other overlay/driver for the card (?).

Also note:

This is our smallest board in the Raspberry Pi Zero form factor. It can be used not only with the Raspberry Pi Zero, but also with the bigger Raspberry Pi B+/2 and 3.

Note that for the Raspberry PI zero, you need to solder a 40-pin male header to the board. This header isn’t included,


Regards, Holger

Just a thought, seems like you could use sockets like used on Arduino boards. The ones with very long pin tails. The extended pins serving as a header for the ribbon cable connector.
As long as the GPIO mapping is the same as the bigger HiFiBerry of course.
EDIT- I’m not sure, but reading the product discription it sounds like the header/socket on the DAC is populated. So may want to see if it can be ordered without the socket installed.