Can Zynthian Record Split Tracks

I want to use Zynthian to record my band,I have a 10In&8Out Audio Interface.Please tell me what operation should I do? I want to record every channel and get split audio tracks. Thank you for your help.

Zynthian can record a multitrack audio file with stereo tracks for each record channel. This single multitrack WAV file can then be imported into a DAW which can split the tracks on import.

  • Add an audio chain for each track you want to record, selecting the appropriate inputs with the ā€œChain Optionā€ menu (bold SELECT), ā€œAudio Inā€ submenu
  • For each chain, enable ā€œRecord Chainā€ by accessing its ā€œChain Optionsā€ menu, ā€œAudio Outā€ submenu

Any audio recordings will now create a multitrack WAV file. You can also enable ā€œRecord Chainā€ in the main mixbus to also record the main mix within the multitrack WAV file.

Do use external USB storage for this by inserting a USB storage device before starting recording.


Oh! Thank youļ¼I will have a try on my Zynthian

Iā€™ve noticed this advice when recording a few times before, either here on the forum or in the Wiki-Userā€™s Guide.

While not trying to argue against it, Iā€™d like to know why, because Iā€™d like to know if it would still be advised if Zynthian was running from a NVMe or M.2 solid state drive hooked up by PCI-e, instead of an SD Card, on a Pi5.

It is currently a purely hypothetical question, at least for me, but I think it will soon become real.

Thanks in advance for any advice on this.

I meet a Problem. When I select audio out to multichannel recorder for every track and excute recording,the result is no waveform was recorded as these two pictures show. Please tell me whatā€™s wrong operation I did? Thank you for your help.

This works in Oram. It did work in stable. (I donā€™t have a machine configured with stable at the moment to test.) Will you do a test without any plugins in the chains? I wonder if there is an odd routing issue.

It would not be required if using some more robust and larger from of storage. The main reasons for this advice is that the internal uSD storage is generally quite slow, leading to bottlenecks in disk writes which in turn can cause issues with overal resouce availability and also because of the risk of filling the internal storage.

Tests show that the write speed to many (most) uSD cards does not support multitrack audio recording leading to the recordings failing after a few minutes (as buffers get depleated). This (usually) does not happen with modern (fairly fast) USB storage. A SSD is likely to not suffer this issue.

When internal storage is full the Zynthian may exhibit undesired behaviour. By using external or larger internal storage this issue is (mostly) avoided.

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The little red dots mean mean that chain is recording right? So the 5th chain is only playing then. Is this new Oram stuff or was it always there?

The multitrack recording is there in stable. The indication may have changed a bit like moving it to the bottom and possibly showing record-arm and record differently. In my example, the first four chains are recording to their own stereo tracks in the WAV. The 5th track is not doing anything. It happens to be there because I added it to access the WAV file to show the other screen shot.

I notice in your screenshots that you have 5 chains armed (including main) but only 4 stereo tracks in the resulting recording. Are you accessing the right recording? Also I do see some noise or low-level audio in each track.

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