Carla problems


Here I am again :wink:

Often when I start Carla, the engine wil not start Then it gives the error:

ERROR engine_carla::osc_register: sending failed: bā€™Connection refusedā€™

Sometimes about 5 to 10 times and then the engine starts, but often it wil not stop giving the error and the pi gets stuck.


Edit: Related?

Hi @Keeze101,
Normally it works for me. A few errors before connecting are normal. Itā€™s the time that Carla takes to start.
But Carla integration is a bit problematic and not very stable yet. Iā€™m working to improve it ā€¦
Until then, play sweet and softly with it :wink:

Or ā€¦ perhaps we will replace Carla with MOD-HOST+MOD-UI very soon :sunglasses:

(*) Yes, the github link is absolutely related to this problem, but iā€™ve patched partially, so it may work, more or less :wink:

I see you are using a Windows machine with XServer to connect to your zynthian box, so:

1.) Have you tried to open the ZynAddSubFX native GUI? Is it working well with your XServer?

2.) Have you tried to connect from a UNIX (Mac/Linux) machine?

Both work good:

In Windows (MobaXterm)

And Linux (LUbuntu in VirtualBox)

OK! And Carla works badly from Linux too?

Sometimes, sometimes not. Same behaviour as from Mobaterm. (but does that matter?)

Yes. That matters! The problems with Carla are complex to explain and understand. Related to communication proccesses, queues and thread synchronization. A complete nightmare to debug ;-(

I think we really should change to MOD-UI as fast as possible @jofemodo @Keeze101

When I am back from holidays I will try to do that - hopefully with much help from @jofemodo :wink:?

The backend (mod-host) and the frontend (mod-ui) can run independent of each other. One current problem ist that I have not got running complex synths (zynaddsubfx, linuxsampler, dexed) in mod. This will work in future releases, when mod-ui has a file browser for uploadind samples and/or configurations.

Regards, Holger

Hi @C0d3man!
For sure! I will help you to fully integrate the MOD software into Zynthian. Donā€™t doub it!! :wink:
And we need the big synths running on it, with bank and preset selection ā€¦

But first, i have to be ā€œpapiā€ ā€¦ jeje! I will need some weeks at less ā€¦ :sweat_smile:

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