A way for building the cmake from the repository (and install it at /usr/local to avoid conflicts with Debians cmake (so you have to call /usr/local/bin/cmake instead of cmake)):
sudo apt-get install --yes libssl-dev
git clone https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake.git
cd cmake
./bootstrap --prefix=/usr/local
make -j4
make install
make clean
I am not very comfortable with Linux code. And I’m afraid to mess around and corrupt my installation of zynthian. @C0d3man , if I enter these lines of code into the web terminal, would I have this plugin running?
I have never done this before.
Is it better that I wait until this plugin is integrated by default? like i said i’m afraid i’ll corrupt my zynthian and have issues with the next updates.
Sorry for those noob questions!
The CHOW PHASER also looks very interesting, as well as ROBOVERB plugin that I found yesterday.
This reverb is really incredible, it gives you a metallic reverb, very accurate for the drums!
Cod3man, would it be possible to make a recipe for these plugins too?
Normally: yes. Currently: no. There is a problem when compiling the plugin. It seems that there are some compiling problems.
Yes, I think so. The plugins are based on JUCE and cmake. Unfortunately I have little experience with both environments. It may take some time to get it running…
No problem at all!
Probably yes, when I have solved the basic problem that brings the current error.