Classic midi input trouble [solved]

Hi, perhaps someone has experienced bad things with serial midi in?
i used with no problems before, i made some updates (and installed beta plugins test for mod, nothing else…)
Strange things happens, most notes are not played, anarchic program change occours without sending any… and finally UI stucks. With usb midi it’s all ok

Did you run the “rpi-update” command?
Recent kernel versions have changed the way that RBPi UART must be configured for MIDI…

Don’t Remember… Il Will do and let you know… Thanks…

No!! Don’t do it!
I asked you because if you did it, this is the problem :wink:

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Uuuh… then i believe i did something on rpi update when i loaded beta test plugins …:smirk::thinking:… Maybe it doesn’t work anymore for this reason… Ok, no problem… Will wait… But… a question about USB midi: zynthian could be connected directly through usb to a PC and being seen in a DAW as midi device (such as a midi USB cable)? At the moment, without its serial midi in working, i’m bridging with a USB midi cable from zynthian to a midi hub connected to computer…

No, sorry. Currently this is not possible. RBPi only supports USB-Host mode, so you can’t connect it to another USB-Host device. If you want to send MIDI from the computer to Zynthian, the simplest way is using the standard MIDI-IN connector.

Another possibility is sending the MIDI by ethernet, although you will need some extra configuration. Take a look to this:

Also, you could use the TouchOSC protocol, that is currently included in Zynthian, but not all DAWs support this.


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Will continue with USB MIDI cable … Until its midi input is restored…

AFAIK, MIDI-IN is working perfectly if you don’t update the kernel with rpi-update …


I’m afraid i did :roll_eyes:… that day…

Perhaps I have told you (indirectly) by one of my first versions of the beta-update scripts… also not sure about this… sorry…

Regards, Holger

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maybe we should delete or rename some of those malicious update scripts. I destroyed my zynthian “the other day” as well.

I am not sure if I had scripted this feature some month ago. Currently it is not inside the update scripts. I renamed the update scripts to beta_* to state clearly that this is beta software.

Regards, Holger

Hi @ivanmonterosso!

I’ve fixed the boot/config.txt to work with the last kernels (4.9). It’s not in the master branch yet, but you can change you zynthian-sys branch. Try this:

cd /zynthian/zynthian-sys
cp -a scripts/ /tmp
git checkout .
git checkout kernel-4.9
git pull
cp -a /tmp/ ./scripts
cd ./scripts



thanks, now it works again :slight_smile:
P.s.: just for info: Midi program change still causes gui freeze, it’s right?
No problem, i know and go on :wink:

It’s right. I hadn’t time to solve this problem, but i will try to do it ASAP :+1:

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hi, just to let you know i had to repeat this procedure after the last updates, to make serial midi-in functional again…

I’ve uploaded some new changes. Update and try again. It shouldn’t be needed to do it again.


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thanks … it works without repeating.