Cockpit for More Remote Access

Can be installed on Zynthian apt install cockpit

Start at boot with

systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket

access at zynthian.local:9090 or <zynth-ip>:9090

Why might this be helpful?

Well… Web based terminal access anyone?

Oh look, a logs tab! And the ability to restart the zynthian service!

Also you can add multiple machines to be managed from one cockipit instance. Like a bastion host. Useful if you have lot’s of them.

It may even be possible to integrate the webui into it. I don’t know.

I also don’t know how this will impact on performance. My understanding is the socket only starts the web service when it’s needed.


Great find, @Baggypants!
Should we include this in the Zynthian image?

That’s up to @jofemodo. It’s going to get a bit weird with a webconf, mod-ui AND cockpit.

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Probably more of a diagnostic, debug tool from the zynth’s perspective. If you can understand the information, you probably know how to install it, which you’ve documented above.

but it’s certainly nice to get access to the services in something friendlier than systemctl & it’s many peculiar relations.

Nice tool! I will give it a try …

Hmm, I gave it a shot. During install it reports some not found packages, recommended apt-get update, which I did, then installed again. Installation stuck at 86%, kicked me out of SSH session, network connection has been dropped (no more pings), Zynth app was still responsive on screen, so waited for few minutes to eventually finish installation. After power cycle, no more access via network into Zynthian (at least over WiFi which was working perfectly before). Zynthian installed from latest nightly some 24 hours ago, no other changes than touchscreen calibration has been made.

Good report! I usually have mine installed connected on wired network. I have a wireless zynth I’ll try with tomorrow.

update: So I tried the same on the wireless zynth and it does indeed disconnect the wifi.

However, I was able to use the zynthian-ui to reconnect the wifi, it decided it needed to get a different ip from before but after a bit the zynthian.local address started resolving again and it was all fine.

Could it have something to do that it installs “network manager”? I don’t know which WiFi subsystem/framework does Zynthian use by default, but there could be a conflict?
And if it needed different IP, how this relate to DHCP?
After all, this could be really nice to have within standard setup. No need to push users to use 3rd party SSH clients, could simplify guides to one UI, etc… I don’t have problem to find my way through, but “appliance” users could benefit from it.

You’re probably correct with the observation regarding Network Manager. I’ve not had any network issues since re-enabling the wifi in the zynth interface after cockpit so I’d say they work ok together.