Configuring PiTFT 2.8' Capacitive Display

Hi! I have not been here for a long time. I have been busy, but now that I have had a while I have fixed the problem of the touch screen. Straight to the point:

• Raspberry Pi 3
• PiTFT PLUS 2.8 Capacitive

• Rotated touch screen relative to LCD 90 degrees


  1. In the web config interface:
    Go to HARDWARE > DISPLAY and ensure “PiTFT 2.8 Capacitive” is selected

  2. Access through SSH and edit “/boot/config.txt”. Add the following line to the end of file:

  3. Reboot

I hope it helps someone.
Regards, Jordi.

you can do this in the webconf and don’t need ssh access.

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Yes, you can configure the dtoverlay paramaters from the webconf tool.


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Great! Thanks for the info. I’ll keep in mind!