Some UPDATE on this:
As a good control driver, I would like to send feedback to my RTP-MIDI device (I like LEDs soo much!
). That’s RTP-MIDI out from Zynthian to the device, and that does not seem to work. The other way round (device → Zynthian) is perfectly fine. I’ve searched the forums, and there is a bug issued for the problem I’m experiencing: RTP-MIDI not working properly · Issue #831 · zynthian/zynthian-issue-tracking · GitHub
I’m not even sure how I can make that connection manually… I’ll keep investigating it 
The thing is that the connections appear to be correctly made. The following command shows that the service jackrtpmidid
is correctly connected to Zynthian:
# jack_lsp -c | grep --color -A 1 -B 1 rtpmidi
More testing: I’ve run jack_midi_dump
, and then I’ve connected it to the ZynMidiRouter:dev3_out
, which is an output connected to the jackrtpmidid
input port (if I’m not wrong, the service will receive MIDI events on that port, and send them to the network):
# jack_connect ZynMidiRouter:dev3_out midi-monitor:input
And then, when I change the state of a sequence with Zynpad, I see the expected events:
# jack_midi_dump
255: 96 70 05 note on (channel 6): pitch 112, velocity 5
255: 96 70 05 note on (channel 6): pitch 112, velocity 5
255: 96 70 05 note on (channel 6): pitch 112, velocity 5
So, the jackrtpmidid
service must be receiving the events, but somehow the other endpoint is not… It must be a dumb thing that I’m doing wrong, for sure… 
More tests: I’ve disabled IPv6 in Zynthian, and in my machine, because the RTP-MIDI bridge that I’m using (rtpmidid
) said that there were two advertisements of my Zynthian device (for both IPs, v4 and v6), and it ignored the last (which was the IPv4). BUT, to no avail, it made no difference.
To discard that the problem is in my PC, I’ve installed a RTP-MIDI connector in my Android phone, and connected it to a virtual MIDI controller. Then, on my PC I can receive the events from my phone without problems. I suspect that maybe the problem is inside jackrtpmidid
I’ve downloaded and compiled the code for jackrtpmidid
on my PC. I want to try to reproduce the same connections on my PC, and see if what I want to achive works.