Control your zynthian with a QWERTY (or other) keyboard

No. The keyboard binding allows any CUIA action to be mapped to one or more keys with one or more modifiers. If we were to change CUIA so that it formed a subset of the (OSC) API then we could alter to allow key binding to a wider set of actions. That is still on the drawing board.

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What do you think about producing a custom numeric keyboard? Something like this …

We could re-define the plot on every key and put the zynthian logo.
Of course, @zynthianers contributing to define the customization could have all units they want at “production” cost. And I would produce a few for the shop :wink:



Interesting. I’m still foot switch obsessed at the moment.

If this were to be a blessed product we would be wise to start a list of what functionality people would like to see. IT provides a very interesting point for different modes of use.
The organ builders would want stops on it, Keyboard players would want patches (snapshots), a straight GUI mode would speed up movement around the zynth, a key for admin, etc . . . wyleus will, of course, insist upon on/off recording on one key :slight_smile:

Back & Select are Backspace & Enter in default but might people want to define this as a default or allow modification of these as well?

Heres it square on for promoting ideas…



The [Num Lock] or [-] keys, for example, could possibly be set up as modifiers that would allow selection of the various keyboard modes. Then [Num Lock] + [1] could switch the keyboard into default mode; [Num Lock] + [2] could switch the keyboard into patch mode, etc. A small icon on the Zynth screen would tell you the mode the keyboard is in. The modes could be customizable from the webconf.


I would use this layout

The + is this plus with a circle from

We only have Select up and Down. I think, we should have up and down for all 4 encoders. Esp. to get this Volume Up/Down

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But would it come on only once a keyboard (or something that makes key presses any way … ) has spoken or would we have to have some 'recognize a keyboard from the USB start up & plug and play…

I would suggest the former for initial ease of implementation …

(Mind you I want a :face_with_monocle: icon to be displayed until someone has done a recording so I can be a bit dictatorial in my views… :slight_smile: )

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There is an article in November issue of Sound On Sound which shows someone who has built a foot pedal board with four large wooden pedals acting against springs which each have a screw positioned and adjusted so that they press a key on s standard USB QWERTY keyboard located beneath. Neat solution :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Regarding a custom USB keypad, I think I would prefer a control pad that was laid out to better match user workflow with bespoke legends rather than just a numerical keypad which anyone could just pick up from a computer shop. The problem with that is identifying a common workflow. I have been considering a customisable pad with moveable keys but it gets expensive!

Is the ‘Num Lock’ key available to use as a modifier? I think that the ‘Num Lock’ toggles the keyboard between number mode (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) and regular mode (End, down, PgDn, Left, Right, Home, Up, PgUp. I don’t think that pressing the ‘Num Lock’ key creates an ascii code.

When i say “customized” numerical keyboard, i mean customizing every key with the legend we want (text and plots).
OK! We could use "stickers"for doing it … and in fact, this could be the first step. But when we have a well-defined and consensual layout, we could simply produce 100-200 units by, let’s say, about 4-7 USD each.

Of course, a completely customized keyboard will be a lot better, but it will be a lot more expensive too.
I think the "fully customized numerical keypad is a good compromise between functionality and price.

And it’s 2.4G wirless!! :wink:



Yes, it works in the same way that a conventional keyboard, of course.

I just tested and pressing the NumLock alone generates a code too!

So i think this is very promising, as we can have, very easily, 2 alternative modes (layouts), and when changing, zynthian can change too. This could be very useful when we have sequencer/looper modes …



NumLock generate a SCAN code, non an ASCII code, but nonethless it generate something that can be read :slight_smile:

BTW, when I need something “else” that must works like an USB keyboard, the Ultimarc I-PAC is my choice. And it can handle a key as “shift modifier” by itself.


Exactly … but who is interested in ASCII codes? What we need is “scan” codes … :wink:

Ohhh! This is perfect for creating highly customized interfaces …


It’s its purpose :slight_smile:

Moreover, being designed for gaming, there is no ghosting at all, so it can detect without fuss every keypress even if you press ALL keys at the same time… this is not true for cheap standard keyboard/keypad (I had a keypad once that detected just a single key pressed at a time)


He he - there goes the sub-$10 price ticket :grinning:. The standard HID USB interface has 6-key rollover, i.e. maximum of 6 simultaneous pressed keys may be detected. How this is implemented is up to the keyboard manufacturers and some have poor implementation. There may also be some limitations in the kernel driver. There are “gaming” keyboards which use multiple HID interfaces. I wonder how much key mashing we would do? As long as the keypad did not block until any 6 keys were pressed and did not have false trigger or release it should be ok. Alternatively we could build something similar using a bespoke USB interface but then you need USB identifiers (expensive ongoing cost) and kernel drivers which seems overkill. I don’t think the USB HID 6-key limit should be a problem for this use case (but am peeved that it exists).

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IPAC does not have that limit. How it does that? 50%IDK 50%IDC, but it has no visible key rollover limitation in Windows and in rPI retrogaming distros)… Tried with ten finger and a nose :joy:



I can confirm the re-mapping of TOGGLE_AUDIO_RECORD to use the C key (right extreme on three footswitch). and it work very nicely. . . .

Thanks @riban !


Attempted to allocate All Sound off to Middle footswitch button ‘b’

But it doesn’t :frowning:

??? Could you be more verbose? Is this an issue report or a success report? :wink: