Control your zynthian with a QWERTY (or other) keyboard

REALLY !!!?!?!?!?!

It’s a demonstration of a desire and a failing implementation . . .

I have got Record Toggle on the C key but the b key wont clear notes, and generates the above dump in GUI debug mode. . . .

Dump suggests the pedal is sending ‘R’, not ‘b’.

I know. but it’s definitely sending ‘b’. I will dig.

Shouldn’t we have the same set of actions here

Missing Start Audio Play f.e.

Hi, I’m having this wireless numerical keypad on my desk now.
using showkey command on zynthian command line, I can confirm that the keys are sending numerical codes, i.e.
num lock = 69,
/ = 98,
* = 55,
- = 74,
7 = 71,
8 = 72,
9 = 73,
+ = 78,
4 = 75,
5 = 76,
6 = 77,
Backspace = 14,
1 = 79,
2 = 80,
3 = 81,
Enter = 96,
0 = 82,
. = 83.

How to proceed from hereon? Entering the respective keycodes in the webconf form dosn’t seem to work.
Entering the plain key labels, e.g. ‘4’ for key ‘4’ instead of the code 75, doesn’t work either.

The only key that works is backspace which toggles between “admin” and “layer list”.


Have yo tried hexadecimal as well. I don’t know how it is implemented, but that would be my guess

Remember to add the modifier, e.g. 4 may require the Num Lock modifier to be asserted

Has the UI log function suffered a bit of surgery recently?
I can’t turn on a mode that displays key presses ??

My numeric keyboard send codes with “KP_” prefix. Like: KP_Insert, KP_Left, KP_Right, KP_Enter, etc.

Anyway the way to proceed is using the UI log in debug mode to see the codes when pushing.

@wyleu, UI log is working for me … could you test again and try to give more info?


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I think it is the issue that the websocket is not opened when you use bonjour…use IP…

It seems to have re-appeared …

Definitely wasn’t there over the weekend . . .but I’ll try an IP address if I see it again.

Hi, yeah, that’s exactly what made it work. Nice:)
I made an overview of what I found out:



This is exactly my numeric keyboard!! :wink:
Good work!

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I have the maudio keystation 49 mk3 (top one). Has anyone implemented zynthian control with the control keys on these keyboards ?

Here’s what the control keys map to started with left,right,center,up,down,stop,play, and record
Left: CH#01 NOTE_ON 98, Vel: 127

     CH#01 NOTE_OFF 98, Vel: 64

Right: CH#01 NOTE_ON 99, Vel: 127

      CH#01 NOTE_OFF 99, Vel: 64

Center: CH#01 NOTE_ON 100, Vel: 127

          CH#01 NOTE_OFF 100, Vel: 64

Up: CH#01 NOTE_ON 96, Vel: 127

           CH#01 NOTE_OFF 96, Vel: 64

Down: CH#01 NOTE_ON 97, Vel: 127

           CH#01 NOTE_OFF 97, Vel: 64

Stop: CH#01 NOTE_ON 93, Vel: 127

        CH#01 NOTE_OFF 93, Vel: 64

Play: CH#01 NOTE_ON 94, Vel: 127

         CH#01 NOTE_OFF 94, Vel: 64

Record: CH#01 NOTE_ON 95, Vel: 127

          CH#01 NOTE_OFF 95, Vel: 64

Have you tried this with different channels?
Probably the best thing to do is to map these buttons to Channel 16: Note On events to control UI buttons.

I’ve started to work up a Launchkey-49 mapping for the transport switches and have audio-record stop/start etc. They work nicely.

Did you progress this at all? I notice that the current trend is for keypads with an extra row of buttons along the top like this.

I got some quotations for keypads with custom printing (moq 1000) and with no printing at all (moq 500). Perhaps some day we can have a zynthian customized keypad, but not now.
Anyway, i think this keypads could quite useful with zynthian …