Controller usb/midi MiniMoog

Actually a lot of those laminates can be engraved using a rotary bit, so you can probably do it with your CNC mill.

Anyway, the aluminium panel looks great. I look forward to seeing the final result.

Thank you very much and I will definitely try to do something small as a test.
I’ve been waiting for months now… I too hope to see how it comes soon.
Unfortunately my cnc could not contain the panel for a couple of centimeters, otherwise I would have tried.

I’ve received this email now:

Dear Lanfranco,
We already send the panel to you in the last weekend.

Finally the panel has arrived … Unfortunately I have to make a change to the cabinet and therefore I have not closed everything … but it works and I must say that the panel is really well done.




My “pseudo” MiniMoog…


Beautifull, congratulations @Lanfranco

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Many thanks le51… for ALL.

Well done - you got there! I see you put the “moog” symbol back on the front panel - cheeky :wink:. Looks good but how does it sound? I know you are not using it with Zynthian but you still owe us :face_with_monocle: .

BTW, which is the best Moog or Minimoog engine that we have in Zynthian?

I wouldn’t say there is a good Minimoog emulator within Zynthian. Raffo Synth purports to be a Minimoog emulator but in fact it is a very simple monophonic subtractive synth with not-so-good performance.

Calf Monosynth is quite nice as is SynthV1 (which is poly but can be configured as mono). I also like MDA JX10 which can be configured as mono but it has some flaws that I want to see fixed before I can really use it. amsynth is also pretty good. Again it is poly with option to configure as mono. It seems to be a bit noisy - I wonder if that is its presets or a flaw in design. I think it may be that most presets have some (or lots of) reverb which is a bit noisy.

These synths have more controls so can sometimes seem a bit daunting but if you choose one and stick with it you soon learn how to start simple and use as many or few of the controls as you desire. You can use just the oscilators, envelopes and filters to make those sounds from the 70’s.

Each time I find one I like and start to drill down into it, I find a flaw which distracts me. I end up trying to fix (or persuade upstream to fix) the flaw and hence fail to settle on it and use it. But I am sure that of these, Raffo is the least good, even if it does more closely match the controls of the minimoog - it really doesn’t sound like one and is not as good as the others.

I would chose one, create a preset that is simple, expose the controls you want to an external controller (like what @Lanfranco created) and play until you like or dismiss it.

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Thank you all for the favorable comments. Yes, I have kept the Moog logo as it is for personal use (like certain herbs).
For the demonstration ( :face_with_monocle:), it will certainly be done as soon as possible. The sounds of Arturia’s Minimoog are splendid… poly and mono, there are also a lot of settings and effects that can be added. I believe that Arturia is the best analogue sound bank in existence. Will someone be able to fit it into the Zynthian… or, given that the Zynthian will have the success it deserves, Arturia will create her own soundbanks for Raspberry… Arturia! Wake up!

A tip… if someone will build this controller… the Arduino Micro Pro, has a VERY delicate usb port… I had to resolder it for a small contact with the cable. I made a protection that isn’t aesthetically very nice, but it works…it’s a good idea to think about it when designing the case…

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Some examples of working on the controller during a psychedelic performance. :rofl: :rofl: :face_with_monocle:


Another piece of advice… if you use switches like mine, you have to turn the button to get that when it’s on 1 the control turns on… otherwise it turns on 0 and it’s not aesthetically pleasing…

Or you could invert the signal in the firmware!

I thought about this… but I didn’t find the line to set and I didn’t want to break you… I already do it enough… :grimacing:

I’m trying to build a Minimoog clone and I’ve been looking around at previous attempts at this, particularly replicating the case and front panel. So, I found my way here and am pleased to find design files for creating a front panel, so I thought I’d use those. Unfortunately I’m having trouble reading those files and understanding what program to use with them.

I thought the design files were for use with Front Panel Designer since that program is common for things like modular synth panels, but Front Designer is clearly not from Front Panel Express ( Where is the canonical place to download this program? I see lots of different websites offering downloads of this program, but they all look really shady.

I bought this software many years ago to design the fronts of self-built radios which were then printed with a laser printer and plasticised… Now times have changed and in fact I had the panel made in China. I am attaching the file and the address where to download the demo version of Front Designer 3.0. If you can use my drawing with other programs you will surely have fewer problems than with this one.
Frontale MiniMoog Intero3.FPL (1.5 MB)

Santa 3D printer…

Did you build brackets to attach the controller to the top of the keyboard? How are they fastened to the keyboard? So they feel sturdy? What material did you print with?

That is the kind of challenge I relish. I’m sure it would have been trivial but you probably got a sense of achievement changing the hardware configure :smile:.

I used ABS, the controller is not heavy and the ABS is very strong. To fix it to this masterkeyboard I drilled the body of the keyboard and inserted 4 screws.
Sorry Riban if I still bother … did you see my request for help on the post dedicated to Pianoteq? … My Zynthian clicks quite precisely, first on one channel and then on the other … I tried with various sounds and does it with all… can it be the sound card? I can’t close the case and feel comfortable… Thanks for any info… and for everything.

My sound card is this:

A small audio file where (with headphones) you hear two clicks… I’m demoralized…

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