Custom UI ambitions, or maybe some day the controller grid page

Nice, that’s exactly the advice i was looking for! Thanks!

Yeah, I think I’ll tinker around the code today to try and understand it, and then draw some diagrams and sketches of how I think this could work, and post them here so everyone can voice their opinions (including Mr Bossman’s). I am aware that, without contribution guidelines and coding style it’s kinda risky but even if i have to live in a UI fork I can always call my fork Zyntherface and be a happy weirdo.

One of the seven Zynthian dwarves.

Or maybe 2 of them together?

Oooookay, after playing around with tkinter and hating it a bit, I jumped into the UI design to understand some of the process (i’ve not done this nor anything like it before).
I got the core UI design concepts done and also some of the data structures, let’s start with the UI:

There is a main grid with an X/Y grid of values (i find that for the official 3.2 inch screen 4x4 works, but it’s already the max) and Z pages (this can be arranged manually) that keeps each parameter binding in it’s own dict, and organizes them.

For each parameter there are 4 control types:

  • Slider: a normal slider, akin to what we have today
  • Pan slider: same, but with the 0 value in the center
  • Switch: pretty self explanatory, defaults to on/off but can be changed
  • List: Has a list of values that you choose from, I’m still debating if this should be shown in the screen in the order you scroll through as a popup with all the options or keep it simple and tiny.

Also for each parameter there is the following data:

  • label (defaults to lv2-label)
  • ctrl_label (user defined label, optional, helps with weird controller layouts)
  • lv2_parameter_out (still researching about this)
  • cc_in
  • channel_in
  • type (the ones listed above)
  • options (if type = list or type=switch)

Now for the BIG question:

Should I build this as a separate application that would fit into the midi effects category, with it’s own UI and maybe set a new standard for “modules” or “plugins” for zynthian that have their own UI (this would also allow this “virtual midi controller” to run on any system that uses linux) using Kivy or tkinter (still deciding on this)?


Should I build on top of what we already have, creating an option within the layers to show this interface if there is the json file for it?

Either of those would require me to write an editor application, which I would love to be able to have integrated in the webconf tool or run as a web app since that means cross compatibility (and then you copy your json file over to a certain folder.

Thanks for your help so far @riban, here’s hoping to become one of the dwarfs


I’d stay away from Kivy, unless you are familiar with it. It looked like the perfect answer to a python programmer who generalizes everything, but It seemed to have a lot of characteristics when I tried it. Perhaps it’s better now.

The thing about tkinter is its everywhere python is ( idle uses it, and that 's pretty much the reference python project). IT’s got a lot of critics but it works at a base level and most of the zynthian infrastructure tends to be at that level.

Consider the different screen sizes that get used. Certainly the kits are the canonical source but people do lots of weird and wacky things with open source big and small screens and also remember that mouse and touchscreen are considered part of the zynthian infrastructure.

If your code is available as a branch I’ll load it up and have a play, cos until my zynthian sentence is passed, I’m committed to this sort of stuff. . . :slight_smile:

I’ve said it before but I love to see what people do with all this stuff. It really lifts the soul to see what interest and personal drive bring to something, it really is grater than the sum of it’s parts .

Oh by the way, if you think writing an alternative front end relieves you of the :face_with_monocle: then dream on baby …

This turned out to be the way I keep notes in this proyect, so a lil update, mostly about decisions taken and some clarifications.

The idea:
A virtual midi controller - wait, what?

You all know the applications for configuring the controls of a midi controller, for example the Korg nanokontrol2.
I the app you specify the following for each knob/slider/button:

  • midi channel
  • midi cc
  • range (sometimes)

The idea is, by using the screen, creating a configurable midi controller grid, like this one

For each parameter there are 4 control types:

  • Slider: a normal slider, akin to what we have today
  • Pan slider: same, but with the 0 value in the center
  • Switch: pretty self explanatory, defaults to on/off but can be changed
  • List: Has a list of values that you choose from, I’m still debating if this should be shown in the screen in the order you scroll through as a popup with all the options or keep it simple and tiny.

So, basically, to create a midi router with a live display of parameters that can be controlled with (in the case of the picture above) a 16 control hardware midi controller but control (16 parameters x 4 pages) 64 parameters of a synth engine.
Kinda what the encoder controllers do, in that you have 4 controls for each layer parameter page, and then you have an N number of pages for the total number of parameters of the engine, but user configurable , addressable with midi (without interfering with the navigation controls) and with the option to show more parameters.

The idea (for the default config at least) is that the hardware midi controller is configured with a static midi config (ie midi controller knob no1 is on channel 1 cc 1, knob 2 on channel 1 cc2, etc), and, by changing pages, you can change what each control does. If you where to exit the screen entirely, the controls stay mapped to the last page you had selected, so that you can edit the engine even if it’s not in sight.

Also for each parameter there is the following data:

  • label (defaults to lv2-label)
  • ctrl_label (user defined label, optional, helps with weird controller layouts)
  • lv2_parameter_out (still researching about this)
  • cc_in
  • channel_in
  • type (the ones listed above)
  • options (if type = list or type=switch)

Regarding how the tecnical details it would be a 3 dimension array (x/y/page) of the parameter data structure explained above, and that would act as the midi routing matrix. The idea is to use only one midi channel in for each instance of the control grid( be able to use current layer for example) so you could have 2 of the same hardware midi controller controlling 2 different synths by using 2 different midi channels

Now for the BIG question:

Should I build this as a separate application that would fit into the midi effects category, with it’s own UI and maybe set a new standard for “modules” or “plugins” for zynthian that have their own UI (this would also allow this “virtual midi controller” to run on any system that uses linux) using Kivy or tkinter (still deciding on this)?


Should I build on top of what we already have, creating an option within the layers to show this interface if there is the json file for it?

I’ve settled on the following:
Developing a portable python app, and, when it’s functional, try to either make it into an lv2 plugin and integrate the interface with zynthian OR keep it standalone and integrate it with zynthian (yes, aswering a EITHER/OR with another EITHER/OR, I’m sure that’ll go well) In a way, zynthian already does this, but with the four encoders, so I don’t know if that’ll help with the integration efforts.

Either of those would require me to write an editor application, which I would love to be able to have integrated in the webconf tool or run as a web app since that means cross compatibility (and then you copy your json file over to a certain folder.

This would make so if you have a bigger controller or screen and want more/less parameters on view, you are able to control that and the order in wich parameters appear, and also make it possible to arrange the parameters in pages with titles like FILTER, OSC, LFO, ENV etc so that they make more sense and are grouped together in a more meaningful way.

All this to say, I’ve been thinking a lot on this but not developing much. I hope I can bring you some :face_with_monocle: from this interface sooner rather than later.

PD: I would be really grateful for any kind of feedback, particularly from the more seasoned (and grounded) zynthian developers @jofemodo @riban @wyleu, and sorry to bother you, please tell me If this is too intrusive. I just want to make sure to be aligned with something that is, at least in principle, useful and zynthianic before I sink a bunch of time into it.


Hi Pastitas, are you still working on this? I love this idea.


Hi! Yes, i’ve actually just created the repo where i’ll put some code, and i’m in the process of reverse engineering the controller screens in zynthian to see if i can integrate this with that (a video chat with @riban or @jofemodo would help with that a lot actually)

I’ve managed to run vscode as a server and you can run debugging on the pi from the computer, wich is something I definitely have to post here in detail

I’m glad to hear about your progress. I’m looking forward to trying out your concept!

VS Code server is memory hungry. It will stop my Pi3 working after a while but is better on the Pi4 with more memory.

Defo tell us how you are debugging - sounds very useful.

I have a task (which I haven’t yet started) to design a mechanism / framework for community contributed plugins / screens / modules for Zynthian. Currently it can seem daunting. There is a base class from which to derive screens. I’m not at a PC and can’t remember details. (Old man!)

Yes up to a point. A sort of favourite selection. Perhaps this could be number of touches of a control which could be overridden by user choice? So a couple of visits to the far off reverb encoder brings it up in the favourites selection? where it should join overall volume as the highest index in the dsort order :smiley:

Just watch out or encoder noise if connected to a zynaptik or similar MIDI CC generating device.

Sounds like an idea worth exploring… in the future!

I like the idea of a grid of small controls that allows indirect but rapid access to more than 4 controls per page. The mock-ups that @Pastitas had done look good. That differs from having a page with just 4 user-configurable controllers or 4 most-frequently-used controllers. These are different solutions to similar problems.

The grid of controls is good for seeing a lot of parameters and rapidly (but not instantly) controlling those parameters. It gives a better interface to parameters from an external controller. These are all really useful enhancements.

The direct access from 4 encoders provides rapid access to fewer parameters directly from the Zynthian hardware interface which may provide a more useful user interface for performance when a user does not have (sufficient) external control. I am not sure whether @wyleu’s idea of such a direct access screen learning what you might want (from frequency of use) would necessarily translate to good user experience. Although I adjusted the filter cutoff 12 times today - it is done and I am happy with it so don’t need it again but that resonance control has been bumped off so where has it gone…

The grid of controllers workflow may use (up to 4) encoders:

  • Move selection cursor horizontally (possibly wrapping at end of row / screen)
  • Move selection cursor vertically (possibly wrapping at end of column / screen)
  • Adjust selected value
  • Spare

and encoder push switches (not necessarily all and maybe with modifiers like bold press):

  • Exit screen
  • Access menu (maybe?)
  • Toggle value (if appropriate)
  • Go to corresponding engine’s control screen
  • Reset to default
  • Select different parameter to adjust
  • Change labels

Actually some of those functions may best be implemented via a menu system (similar to used in sequencer).

I really like this idea and am happy to help you develop it.

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It’s very much at the threshold of usability. What started as the few controls wrapped round the sf2 sample format has quickly expanded into many, many parameters on an increasingly wide range of engine objects.

In truth sound editing is the fast and efficient selection of these parameters, so preview and access is very important part of the build process of a sound, I want to be able to get to the decay time on a filter that’s many pages away to reduce it or lengthen it.

To make that process qucik I need categories to allow me to quickly get to ‘A filter type object’ and a ‘time constant type’ thing with in it.

The normal approach is methodical categorization but this quickly fades as it’s more of a librarian function that actively creative. The irony is the screen for construction needs access to as many parameters as possible whilst the screen for performance requires as few controls as possible. We’ve consciously limited ourselves to four active controls and so we want to make best use of them. But, this must be entirely under the ultimate control of the user.
I think this is also related to basic zynthian functionality. The basic functions one would find on a mixer would seem to be initial defaults, Engine Volume, Engine Pan , Engine routing, but these should be easily ( but not clumsily) overwritten, so a restore to default or last known sensible point would seem to be a must.

Visibility of which parameters are available is a categrisation issue, so ‘somebody’ needs to say this is a filter parameter. It doesn’t need to be massively precise but something that breaks down into the basic synth functional blocks (OSC, Filter, AMP Delay, LFO, Sample etc) would go a long way to accelerating that process.

Presumably it’s really Turtle, graph like construction of groupings. The clever bit would be minimizing the difficulty of a specifc user declaring a category and the efficient and speedy propagation of that declaration throughout the community.

or Git for parameters :smiley:

The 1010music Bluebox (Bluebox – Compact Digital Mixer/Recorder - 1010music LLC) uses a nice way of controlling more than four variables with 4 rotary switches: it shows them as blocks of four, which can be selected with a switch button or the touch screen and the 4 rotary encoders are then assigned to the four in that block of four.

I love that bluebox, it looks like a very nice recording/mixing tool.

I went looking for some code for this but your github page does not contain any yet. I would love to see this progress. Any chance of uploading what you have done already (to create the bitmaps)?

Hi there, sorry for a too long silence on this topic, It’s been a crazy week and I’ve not had any time to neither work on this nor respond to the thread, so this is gonna be a long one.

This could be a huge step forward, as right now I’m just trying to wrap my head around the current screen system and the data structures behind it. My idea right now is to generate a controller_grid array with the structure described in a __cg.json file generated with some kind of editor, so that the pages and controls are arranged in a user-definable manner, and have it be an alternative view option that can either be the default one (admin option menu) or can be activated per layer (layer option menu) and substitutes the current controller screens with the 4 controls.

I like the idea of a grid of small controls that allows indirect but rapid access to more than 4 controls per page. The mock-ups that @Pastitas had done look good. That differs from having a page with just 4 user-configurable controllers or 4 most-frequently-used controllers. These are different solutions to similar problems.

The grid of controls is good for seeing a lot of parameters and rapidly (but not instantly) controlling those parameters. It gives a better interface to parameters from an external controller. These are all really useful enhancements.

That’s exactly the point, plus the fact that mapping to external midi controllers would be done for all pages (or tabs, as they are shown), in other words, one mapping in a midi controller can control everything in the current page, and changing pages changes the available parameters without having to change anything in the midi controller. You can see it this way: the screen shows what your controller can change.

The direct access from 4 encoders provides rapid access to fewer parameters directly from the Zynthian hardware interface which may provide a more useful user interface for performance when a user does not have (sufficient) external control. I am not sure whether @wyleu’s idea of such a direct access screen learning what you might want (from frequency of use) would necessarily translate to good user experience. Although I adjusted the filter cutoff 12 times today - it is done and I am happy with it so don’t need it again but that resonance control has been bumped off so where has it gone…

The ability to use zynthian standalone is something I’d very much like to keep, and this

seems to be exactly the kind of navigation controls I’d like. Straightforward and without need for notes or learning.

This is something I’d really like to ponder on, as, and I mean this with the utmost respect, the current general UI flows and encoder button functions seem a bit odd to me, and don’t really feel intuitive or context-based. I think this is a result of the fact that this project has grown to be waaaaay bigger and more capable than the first iterations and UI designs counted on, so this is not just hating, I’m looking up some UI design guidelines and best practices to try and propose a more intuitive solution.

In terms of what you’re proposing I’m generally in line with you, I’d like to talk about it with you to come up with a proper flowchart if possible.

I’m really really happy to hear this as I’d gladly take all the help I can (especially coming from such a veteran!)

I think this stems from the fact that zynthian, as the name implies, had one synth engine in mind while initially designed, and, as the deeper integration of zynaddsubfx and linuxsampler show, the ordering of parameters is something that’s valued.

Regarding ordering of parameters in pages as they work now i think that categorization or doing sections (kinda like what you see on hardware synths) would be a huuuuge think to make things useable, with names that make sense and categories that help you understand things at a glance.

I was looking a bit into this categorization of the parameters and then this idea of a bigger grid popped into my head, but still i think the lv2 parameters from most plugins need a lot of work and pull requests to make them use-able. Having said that somebody here tried something along those lines in this post

So this is something that’s still helpful for my solution, albeit not necesary as you should be able to tag(or name) things as you want (pages, controls, options within a control)

I agree that TkInter is not the nicest of GUI toolkits but it also isn’t the worst and if those screenshots of yours were created with TkInter then you have done a good job of shaping it into smart controls that take on the feel of Zynthian. I can help to integrate such screens into the Zynthian infrastructure but a bigger challenge is how they interface with engines.

I have thought about this a bit recently and propose that the API be expanded to support this. Each engine’s control could be exposed to the API with bi-directional control. Each control could present its type, min/max/enumerated values, label, etc. to the API and be controlled via the API. Each engine’s control could be presented as a path, maybe based on its layer / type (although maybe type could just be a parameter rather than part of the API path).

This would allow query and control of each parameter. The API could provide enough information about the layers to allow external devices, e.g. OSC UI apps to auto-configure. For the use case discussed here, the API could be used with some optimisation to allow direct connection between the screen and the engine (or at least minimise abstraction).

I quite like the idea of using the API as an abstraction layer where all controls are available. It allows for simple / complex interfaces to be designed with a consistent technical interface. It may appear as additional code and complexity which may have detrimental impact on performance but if designed carefully it may prove to be no worse than the current UI implementation. (“No worse” isn’t a bad measure of success!)

I will try to introduce the idea at Club tonight and see if anyone is particularly interested. They may not care about how it is implemented but may have ideas of where it may be used and hence influnece design.

Regarding current workflows - you are right to challenge them (as have I with some of the UI mechanisms I have introduced with the step sequencer) but we do have a hardware device which we need to make work with all UI designs. I am very much aligned with your goal of providing visual feedback to external control knobs but feel we should also allow control of those controls from the Zynthian UI and try to maintain a degree of consistent behaviour. As we move forward that behaviour may change as we learn better ways of utilising the available control and feedback in which case such learnings and changes in workflow should be ported to existing modules. Indeed we may find that this work with API abstraction may allow a rebuild of many (all?) of the UI screens which may automatically inherit such workflows from common base classes.

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If I understand you well enough, having an API separate the UI code from the system codebase and engines would be a huge improvement in terms of modularity, with every good perk that modularity brings to the table. I’d really appreciate something like being able to poll an engine for controls and things of this nature, I’m not overly concerned about the “added code and complexity” as It’s my opinion that arquitecture changes such as this actually simplify everything down. (And let me tell you, it’s really fricking hard to get your head around how it works right now).

Having to peel out the layers to figure something out is always worse than having a set of interacting modules that are somewhat standalone. Creating a new engine, GUI or even module would be easier with this paradigm.