Custom zyn instruments causes freeze. wrong version? [SOLVED]

Hi. i noticed this:
tried to make my own zyn instrument.
I made it with vst plugin windows version. but i tried with other linux standalone versions too.
It should not make any difference… but it seems if version is different from the one on zynthian, instrument can’t load, and causes freeze.

zynthian terminal says:

INFO:root:Getting Preset List for MY/iv
WARNING: root:zynthian_gui.zyncoder_read() => invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'iv01'

iv01 stands for instrument that causes freeze. it doesn’t matter if i choose it or not.
it’s enough if it’s present inside directory. (i put two for testing, the good and the bad)

If you tried to run a windows VST on the RPi: this cannot work! A RPi has a different processor so it needs complete different machine code OR an emulator (which IMHO does not exist and if it exists, it will be IMHO too slow).

When trying to load a Windows VST on Linux on your PC you use code for x86 and this works with the right loader on both OSs.

Regards, Holger

Hi @C0d3man!

I think @ivanmonterosso means he created some custom “presets” (xiz files) using the windows VST and then copied to the Zynthian data directories.

@ivanmonterosso, It’s strange. ZynAddSubFX preset format is quite stable, so it should work without problems. Please, send your presets and i will try :wink:


yes, it was this way :slight_smile: i was writing, but you did it faster…
the issue remains if saving with standalone versions too, on any platform…
the fact is: when i’m on ubuntu environment, i can launch zynaddsubfx build present on zynthian, and if i save from it, everything works.
Seems to be related to zyn version… but it’s strange, 'cause most of included presets are at least 10 years old…and made with previous versions for sure…
By now i only produced that error on terminal.
Soon will post the preset… (how?)

Hi Holger, actually would be weird for me just even trying :joy:
i prefer to test compiled (and working) stuff :wink:
or at least… these are things to try without asking why they don’t work :rofl:

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Haha :joy:, sorry for misunderstanding :wink:

I should not answer posts before having the third coffee :coffee:

Just an idea for solving the problem: AFAIK ZASFX stores presets in an encoded binary representation, or? Maybe a big-/little-endian problem?

Regards, Holger

You mean i could try to Force open zix in a notepad++ and re-save It with a different encoding?..will try…

Hm… if this is a binary format you have to decode the complete structure and exchange the bytes for intergers… If it is an encoded ASCII format this would be easier… but perhaps I am wrong with my idea of little-/big-endian.

Regards, Holger

ZynAddSubFX stores presets in an optionally compressed (via gzip) xml representation. There should not be any endian related issues in the ASCII based xml though there may be some minor representational differences between the windows fork (from jackoo on kvr) and the mainline of ZynAddSubFX.


hi… thanks for reply… in fact the issue is not because of windows vst, but practically with most versions for ubuntu too…
@jofemodo , how can i send you the faulty xiz patch?

hi… totally forgot to send presets… problem still exists… but… how i send you them?
however… by now seems putting any preset into “my-data/zynbanks” produces no visible list on zynthian… and if force creating a folder, zynthian list shows up, but entering it causes freeze

I just enabled atachments in posts, so you can do it right here :wink:

For instance:

0008-Metal Drips.xiz (2.3 KB)


GOODBASS.xiz (2.0 KB)

thanks :slight_smile:
about this: the patch (and ore others) has been created with a x86 64 linux version 2.5.4 from repository (ubuntu mate). i tried to compile it on my own but i’m not very familiar with build issues, and ZASFX has too many faults for normal people :smiley:
Same result if saving xiz from windows version (standalone or vst.)

Hi, some news:
i renamed patch following original structure: “0001-cleanbass 1.xiz” and zynthian loaded it.
It can be considered a fix, but maybe could be a good idea avoiding a UI Freeze :wink: (thru ssh it’s all still alive)

or we include zynbanks into the webconf library section.
A 10 word spec pls? all i need to know? :slight_smile:

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I’ve created an issue in the github repository :wink:


Anyway, i’m fixing the UI code to avoid the “freezing” :wink:

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great…so library will change name to a rectified format…

It’s fixed. Now the UI wont fail with filenames that doesn’t fit the format “####-filnema.xiz”. It will auto-assign a sequential program name to those files.
