Default snapshot (curious question for developers)

As Default snapshot I defined an instrument chain with JRhodes4 loaded by Fluidsynth .
Usually I switch on Zynthian
than I switch on my Kurzweil PC4 that automatically sends a MIDI Program Change 016 to Zynthian
consequently when I play Zynthian I listen the 016 program of a GM soundfont that is not loaded by my Default snapshot
why? does Fluidsynth has as default soundfont a GM soundfont?

You can configure in admin menu whether zynthian treats program change as a request to change ZS3 or sent to engines. If the latter then whatever the program mapping in your soundfont should be selected.

I know it, thanks but I only would like to know if Fluidsynt loads a GM soundfont as default, only for curiosity.

The sttrange thing is that this behaviour does not happens when I load a snapshot that use SF2 placed in /zynthian/zynthian-my-data/soundfonts

Running fluidsynth -a jack at the command line starts fluidsynth using the jack audio engine but not specifying a soundfont to load. Whilst running, typing fonts shows

ID  Name
 1  /usr/share/sounds/sf3/default-GM.sf3

So it looks like fluidsynth on zynthian will load the “default-GM” soundfont by default.


thanks !!!