Dexed (DX7 emulator) integration

These are great news, Holger!

I would like to add a note:

The Holger’s “Dexed LV2” plugin is currently included in the Gorgona and Gorgonilla images. Also, it’s included in the update procedure, so when you update your zynthian software from the admin menu, the Dexed plugin is updated to the recent version in the repository.

You will find the Dexed’s source code in this directory:


In some weeks i hope to release the new “web configuration interface”, and probably it will include a tool for uploading & converting SYSEX files. Drag and drop :wink:



OT, but I have ported Dexed also for the MOD-Duo:

Regards, Holger

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Hi Holger!

That’s great!
Dexed LV2 is in the MOD’s repo!! Many people will use your Dexed LV2 port and you will get good feedback! In fact, you already get it!! Congratulations!! :trophy:


Many thanks! I think this is a good way to honor their work on MOD-UI. As I own a MOD-Duo I am very happy about having a DX-7 in my guitar effect. No carrying the heavy DX in the flightcase anymore :blush:

Hello Dexed-Zynthianiacs,

in the github-repo there is a slightly patched version of Dexed-LV2. To update your installation do the following:

 ssh root@<YOUR_ZYNTHIAN_IP>
 cd $ZYNTHIAN_SW_DIR/plugins/dexed
 git pull
 cd src
 make clean && make install

Restart MOD-UI and try using Dexed.

Regards, Holger

Hi @C0d3man!

Some weeks ago, i added “Dexed update script” to the Zynthian update function in the admin menu, so i think that clicking the “update software” option should be enough :wink:

For me, it works … could somebody re-confirm?


Hi @ll,

Mark Raynsford found a bug inside dexed-lv2 which could cause a SIGSEV. He made a fix that I just merged. I also added a small fix. So: please update your dexed-lv2 installation (see above for manually update).

Regards, Holger

Hi @C0d3man,

Great!! And thanks to Mark Raynford! :wink:

BTW, Dexed is included in the “Update Software” option from the “Admin Menu”, so you can also update from the UI.


Hi guys,

That’s a very good news for the DX7 emulator ! Well done !
I am looking forward to trying it :slightly_smiling_face:
I am a very new Zynthian user, I hope I will manage to get it working soon.

Kind regards,

Hi @ll,

I fixed Dexed so finally you can use several controllers (like the original DX7):

  • Modulation wheel
  • Aftertouch
  • Breath controller
  • Foot controller

You only need to update your Zynthian (takes some time for compiling the new sources). For testing choose the sound 33_HORNS_SA_W. Go to page dexed#3 and change the parameter in the right-above (MW Assign). There you can choose the target of the modulation wheel: pitch, amplitude, eg-rate or any comibation of them.

Also I updated the sound-generation-engines to the current state of master.

I found one problem: Dexed does not load sounds/presets which have two underscores/blanks in their name (like 25__ANALOG__1). Really strange… will take a look at this later. This is more a MOD-UI/LV2 problem than a problem with Dexed…

Regards, Holger


Hi @C0d3man!

Is that fixed?


No, not yet. Just have no idea where to search for the problem…

Regards, Holger

I don’t use zynthian but I’m thinking about it because of dexed, what’s the status of it, can you control the parameters from the knobs, like envelopes, ratios, algorithms and such, can you load DX7 patches ?

Hi @0mars,

welcome to the Zynthian community!

Oh, you really should think about using Zynthian :smile:

You can use Dexed inside MOD-UI or as standalone (via jalv). Both concepts allow to edit every parameter and you can advise a MIDI controller (or one of the encoders of Zynthian) towards the parameters. So, if you have an external MIDI controller (native DIN-MIDI or USB) you should be able to control every parameter.

But, to be honest, editing sounds this way would be a pain. But there is a (currently untestet) way to control üarameters also via SYSEX messages, so software-controllers (like CTRLR or Herr Muellers DX7(online) editor or hardware controllers (like DT7)) may work. I think I should rework the SYSEX code like for the standalone Teensy based MicroDexed (both have the same base of software).

Regards, Holger

… forgot to answer: Yes and no. Dexed for the Zynthian is a LV2-plugin. It can only read “LV2-patches”. I have some scripts to convert normal SYSEX banks to LV2 compatible sound data, but for this you currently have to login into Zynthian via ssh and do some CLI “magic” - not really complicated but not for every-day-usage. Perhaps we can add something to the webconf for directly uploading DX-7-SYSEX…

MicroDexed can read SYSEX banks directly from the SD card. Storing is currently not supported, but will be added next.

Regards, Holger

We should add a task for implementing this. Loading DX7 Sysex files from the webconf tool would be really nice …

Please, could you put a link to the latest version of these scripts?

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Ok, but IMHO this should be done also for uploading sounds for other generators, so that a unified way for all engines exists. For DX7-SYSEX “my” scripts can be used as a base for a Dexed-Sound-Install-Backend. But what if I want to arrange my sounds (delete some, creating banks,…) - that’s a big project :wink:

There are two script which are located in the dexed repository (branch native-lv2) in bin:

dx7sysex2lv2        - converts a complete DX7-SYSEX bank into directories with sound data for LV2
dx7lv2sounds2preset - creates the necessary presets.ttl file with the generated LV2-sound-data

Both scripts are working but they are not really convenient to use.

Regards, Holger

Hello there!

I recently discovered Dexed and instantly ran into this problem that it cannot load stuff by program/bank change the way I want. I skimmed through this discussion here.

Question: Would it be possible to simply load the patches as sysex dumps into Dexed? One would need some “sysex feeder” or “librarian” that listens to bank change/programm change and then fires the sysex dump for a patch into Dexed.

Or am I getting something wrong and this is not possible?


Hi @Schwob and welcome to the Zynthian community,

the LV2 implementation currently has only support for SYSEX parameter changes (and I am not sure if it works). The original Dexed plugin (VST) should have SYSEX support for different types of SYSEX data. So the question is: Do you mean the original one or the LV2 implementation?

I am currently writing the complete SYSEX code for MicroDexed, so it could be backported to the LV2 version of Dexed when it’s ready (currently it can read a “one voice dump” from “Herr Muellers DX editor”).

Regards, Holger

I currently use the LV2 version from kxStudio. I also tried the VST/Standalone from GitHub, which worked. This version is good for use in Ardour for recording, I did some production with it.
However, I would like to have a version that I can use as a live instrument, perhaps in Zynthian, or with a Laptop, or in something else (mini PC, or RaspberryPi) and thus it would be needed to switch cartridges. (I can at least switch presets via Carla’s “Map Program Changes” feature).