I have a strange problem on zynthian mini with 5β DSI display. When I disable cursor in zynthian web conf UI interface section, cursor is not visible anymore but touch stops working. When I enable it again, cursor is visible and touch works ok. Interestingly, when cursors is enabled it does not change position to where screen is touched.
Is it a bug or it is not possible to have touch working without cursor visible ?
Touch works without cursor displayed. This is the normal, default behaviour / configuration of official Zynthian kits.
Are you disabling cursor with webconf? What versoin of zynthian firmware are you using? (Please show your webconf dashboard.)
Is it all touch or just some, e.g. does touching a menu item to select it work? Does dragging a fader work? (These may use different touch mechanisms hence your answer may help narrow the issue.)
Possible! There have been some odd behaviour in the past where an extra restart has helped. This should not be required so maybe we have a gremlin in there somewhere but hey - it works now!
I have seen this bug before with cursor enabled/disabled, so I will spend some time again trying to define how to replicate it so that we can trace why it needs two restarts.