Discuss . . .


For me delay before reverb, to not duplicate the reverb tail, otherwise yes. Eq before distortion can be interesting, compressor after all distortion as well. I once had a second wah after everything including long delays and reverbs. Nice filtery sound.

My current guitar chain is, in order:
Analog harmonizer/Fuzz (DIY Schuman PLL clone from PCB)
Wah (DIY Vox Clyde McCoy clone modified to 1970 Jimi Hendrix specs with some additional tweaks of my own)
Fixed-frequency filter (DIY Systech Harmonic Energizer clone from PCB)
Fuzz (DIY Ge Fuzz Face with bias and input impedance controls added, stripboard)
Overdrive/distortion DIY original work-in-progress prototype, mix of stripboard and point to point)
Reverb (Cuvave Dig Reverb (permanently set to “swell” mode, 100% wet)
Compressor/treble boost (Boss LMB-2 bass limiter/enhancer)
Ring modulator (DIY Lovetone Ring Stinger clone, from PCB)
Digital delay (Vox Delaylab)
Tremolo (Guyatone Flip VT-X)
Flanger (DOD FX-75b)
Analog delay (DOD FX-96, modified for longer delay times)
Reverb (Digitech Polara)
Amp (DIY modified Fender 5e3 clone)

The amp is miced, and the mic signal is split to a recorder/house PA and an input on the Octatrack for looping; the Zynthian runs as a send effect between the Octatrack’s cue out and inputs 3/4.

Point is I don’t see much value in sticking to “correct” effects order.

It warms my heart to see reverb into delay, although I’d suggest adding another delay somewhere before the ring mod and another reverb at the end of the chain.

For reference, my approach to guitar these days is probably closest to Henry Kaiser, even though I almost never listen to him and don’t sound much like him.

I prefer overdrive (tube driver) before fuzz (green Russian) but this is mater of taste. I have seen many opposite setups.

Reverb after delay is most common. Sometimes people also put modulation, delay and reverb after the amp for more settled effect and easy on ear when you play alone. However it is often the case that something that sound too much when you play alone is perfect when you are in band. In other words do not expect to find your perfect tone playing alone.

That is funny - something that sounds excellent when playing alone is often derided when played with the band… :blush:.

I totally agree. But I think, these kinds of considerations help people who might not anticipate the outcomes of not sticking to the “classic” way. Like: You might want to intentionally have your 30 seconds reverb tail multiplicated by a 100% feedbacked delay line, but most of the times, you dont.

This always happens to me, and is why I don’t get booked to play funerals anymore.


Nice, I learned another word “deride” - I had to lookup for its definition even after 30 years of living in English speaking country.

We are talking here about a tone and not style or skill :joy:. Although getting a right tone from a string instrument is also a skill. No one can have a tone as David Gilmour or Jeff Back. There is something in fingers and picking.


My current guitar setting is:

Different guitars, mainly Ibanez Blazer Strat
→ Cry Baby (wah)
→ Elektron Analog Drive (overdrive)
→ BBD Opto Stomp (compressor)
→ EH MOD11 (mod, mostly chorus/phaser/filter)
→ Morley Power (volume/wah, mostly volume)
→ TC Flashback (delay, sometimes loop)
→ Lexicon MPX 500 (reverb mostly)
→ Fender Deluxe Reverb 1968 RI (including another reverb/tremolo)

I would of course want to connect everything from the Mod11 in an fx-loop, but it is not present and otherwise not so important in that amp of course.
Regarding that question I used to hang the Cry Baby at the end of the chain to modulate the delay and reverb output.

You plug your pedal up in to out, out to in…

Everybody mumble along…

Especially the “Have a banana finish…”

How are people using zynths, or indeed not, in their rig?

yes. One of the most interesting thing in Zynthian is, IMHO, to get rid of a lot hardware stuff.
Guitar pedal effects is a spectacular example. With guitar amps modelers and a wide bunch of available effects, I wouldn’t go into special HW pedals effects buying. But use instead Mod-UI or anything else already built into Zynthian that I may find usefull to suit my needs.