Errors always at boot

Hello! Im getting really tired here, for months ive been having this issue where zynthian doesnt boot quite right. it freezes on this screen

log says this

ive tried restarting several times and nothing, clean install too, and nothing works but restartin UI log to debug mode. and then the preset loads, even tho it takes a lot of time. the logs doesnt show any errors except some warnings xrun from y sound card , but ive played hours with xruns and never had problems. the thing that makes my head explodes is the system not loading at boot, and i have a lot of live performances so this makes me lose lots of time. what am i doing wrong here?

also, i always have trouble tryng to restart or reboot from web. the only way i can succesfully shutdown is trough commands on terminal. can someboy help me getting this working propperly?

It looks like you have encoders misconfigured. What is your hardware, software, etc?

Yes, please, @EddyFici0 !

We need more details to understand your problem. A screenshot from the webconf’s dashboard would be a good starting point. Don’t forget to specify the SD-card’s brand, model and size, please.

Kind regards,

raspberry pi 4b , 4gb
fast track usb
2 midi keyboards (midiplus x8 and nektar se49)
sd card patriot 16GB but also happened with sandisk ultra 64gb

right now log is this

audio config

wiring config

ui and midi options


not using any aditional hardware. do i have any config causing this trouble?

Why have you configured wiring layout as “protoype-1”? Do you have a zynthian prototype-1?
I thought i have the only prototype-1 in the world :rofl:

OK! Please, try configuring wiring layout as “Touch Only” or “Dummies”. This probably will solve your booting issues.

I would remove the last state snapshot too and start from scratch. You can do it from the webconf’s terminal:

BTW, be warned that zynthian’s performance will be degraded while VNC is enabled. Some engines have heavy GUIs that consume a lot of CPU power.



thanks a lot for this! do you know what could be my trouble with restarting/shutdown?

sorry if its a dumb question, do you know what im i doing wrong here?

What software version are you using? This smells like a very very old version, @EddyFici0 .
You should be using the last “oram” image:
