I built a zynthian v5 a while back and I absolutely LOVE making music on it. Lately though I’ve wanted to branch out and move my zynthian creations to a DAW where I can flush them out a bit more.
Can anyone recommend a work flow for exporting my MIDI patterns to a DAW like ardour? Any tips on what hardware or software I’ll need would be great. I’m OK at music but pretty noob when it comes to tech.
You can also record audio (main mix or multitrack by arming individual chains) within zynthian. The resulting WAV files will also be available in webconf captures.
You can save a snapshot which has the full state including chains, processors, presets, parameters, sequences, etc. Within snapshots you can save ZS3 which is the state of each processor including it’s preset, parameters, etc. You can assign MIDI PC to recall each ZS3.