If we could define a MIDI channel we would have more options. Especially when the master channel is possible.
So what is the use case for the Program Change? ZS3. Is there anything else possible?
And with a MIDI channel you could play one layer with the keyboard and a parallel layer with the buttons. especially drum voices when a single note makes sense.
Hm, I booted the machine up again und now i see the NoteOns.
I didn’t navigate into the layer before and stayed in the Mixer. Maybe that was the problem before.
But I don’t know if it is my button:
The NoteOff is sent immediately even while holding the button pressed.
I might need a different button for that.
Maybe a Toggle-mode would be helpful.
ok, my bad.
My CustomAction Zynthian is not hooked up. And I missread bass with brass when I tested it
But I can confirm, that when you boot up, the active channel seems to be the MIXER. Only if I switch to the first and only layer, the button works.
I think, if you offer a MIDI channel option (0 for active, 1-16), we can sell this little glitch.
And wouldn’t it be convenient if the program change has a short, bold, long option, so that you can switch between three ZS3 settings with one button?
I just implemented MIDI channel for MIDI CustomActions. It will work with Master Channel too, so you could use it for loading snapshots, etc.
Regarding short/bold/long actions, current implementation doesn’t allow this for MIDI actions. You have to think that this kind of actions are quite different to UI actions and we need to act on push and release depending on the event type:
CC => Send value 127 on push and value 0 on release (sustain pedal, etc.)
Note => Send Note-ON on push and Note-off on release
Program Change => Only send PC on push, nothing on release.
Of course, all this can be improved/extended in a lot of ways. Specially the “toggle” functionality is on the TODO list …
Program Change also works perfectly. Are you using the webconf’s MIDI-log and have the ZS3 active?
When ZS3 is active, Program Change messages are not sent to engines (ZynMidiRouter Main), but still reach the UI. For seeing the messages in the MIDI-log, you have to disable the ZS3.
My use case:
Yes, I use zs3 and I have two snapshots. Both of them will have zs3 options.
But I want to use the Program Change to change the snapshot via Master Channel.
Not to change between zs3…that is what my master keyboard is sending.
No problem at all. As i’m trying to explain, Program Change messages reach the UI regardless of the ZS3 flag state. When ZS3 flag is set, then PC messages doesn’t reach the engines and you can’t see that messages on MIDI-log, but there is no problem with sending PC to master channel. It should work. Try it!!
I took the latest image, created one snapshot, used the PC with channel 16/num=1.
No success.
I didn’t change anything else.
Besides @jofemodo …why is the numbering for num starting with a 0, if 1 is the first preset?
there is not much when pressing
Mar 12 00:16:27 zynthian startx[1522]: INFO:zynthian_gui: Short Switch 5
And there are still those when starting webconf
: error: failed to open file /zynthian/zynthian-plugins/lv2/b_whirl/b_whirl-configurable.ttl (No such file or directory)
Mar 12 00:19:10 zynthian startx[2791]: lilv_world_load_bundle(): warning: Ignoring bundle <file:///zynthian/zynthian-plugins/lv2/b_whirl/>
Mar 12 00:19:10 zynthian startx[2791]: lilv_world_load_bundle(): note: Newer version of http://gareus.org/oss/lv2/b_whirl#extended loaded from <file:///zynthian/zynthian-plugins/lv2/b_whirl_xt/>
Mar 12 00:19:11 zynthian startx[2791]: error: failed to open file /zynthian/zynthian-plugins/lv2/Harmless.lv2/manifest.ttl (No such file or directory)
Mar 12 00:19:11 zynthian startx[2791]: lilv_world_load_file(): error: Error loading file `file:///zynthian/zynthian-plugins/lv2/Harmless.lv2/manifest.ttl’
Mar 12 00:19:11 zynthian startx[2791]: lilv_world_load_bundle(): error: Error reading file:///zynthian/zynthian-plugins/lv2/Harmless.lv2/manifest.ttl