This is great. I’ve just added two sneaky little switches to my zynth.
I’ve tried using these as a midi button, and while I can assign its midi number to an engine’s parameter like sustain, pressing the switch doesn’t turn the parameter on and off. The log shows:
Like you, I’m just learning about all this stuff. It looks like your switch is mapped to control change 8, which under the general midi protocol is mapped to balance. Sustain/Damper is mapped to control change 64 (see link). Try that and perhaps it may work.
Ohhhh! Yesssss!!! I’m waiting for more of your audio sample, my friend!! This time, i would like a well structured piece, something like intro-A-A-B-A-C-C-end, about 2-3 mins, please!!
Well I would upload one but I wonder if we have hit some limit somewhere as I’ve made several attempts to upload a 5.0 Mb ogg and it never seems to get beyond 1%…
hi Zynthianers,
Is it possible to use the extra switches as a program change?
For example:
in a MOD-UI layer, assign a program change to each extra-switch, to recall the presets associated with the Sub Snapshots
Sw1 (Short-push) = Program Change 50
Sw2 (Short-push) = Program Change 51
Sw3 (Short-push) = Program Change 52
Sw4 (Short-push) = Program Change 53
… and also implement the management of multiple banks, for example:
Bank1 (PC50, PC51, PC52, PC53)
Bank2 (PC54, PC55, PC56, PC57)
Bank3 (PC58, etc etc …)
manageable with:
Sw1 (Bold-push) = Bank Down
Sw4 (Bold-push) = Bank Up
How do I get it working?
I ensured that my knob is working with a UI Action.
But neither a Note On nor a Program Change is displayed in the Midi Log under ZynMidiRouter Main when I short press the button.
And why don’t distinguish those three between short, bold, long?