Fader position is wrong after saving and loading a snapshot on oram

If I do the following:

  1. Create an Audio chain.
  2. Put one plugin (I used GXAmplifierStereo).
  3. Save as a snapshot.
  4. Remove all chains.
  5. Load the snapshot.

Before I saved, the plugin was before the fader, but after loading it is after the fader. This seems to happen to other plugins in the same chain too.

Has anyone else seen this?

I’ve had a few times when plugins I was sure I inserted before the fader were after the fader when I came back to it later, but I wrote it off as my own mistake and never investigated. I’ll see if I can replicate it tomorrow.

EDIT: I just needed to recalibrate the touchscreen.

After updating my Zynthian, this problem is gone! Sorry, I guess that’s the first thing I should have done. I was just running the latest image, but you still need to choose “Update Software” to get the very latest.

So move along, nothing to see here! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Despiute the edit in my previous post, I am actually having a similar problem - when a snapshot is loaded (including a hard or soft reboot), all of my pre-fader effects have been moved to post-fader. I’m able to consistently replicate it after updating via webconf with over a wired connection.

zyncoder: oram-2409 (71de6d2)
zynthian-ui: oram-2409.001 (df2facc)
zynthian-sys: oram-2409.002 (4c4ce51)
zynthian-data: oram-2409 (ddfa009)
zynthian-webconf: oram-2409.001 (88fc358)

EDIT: I’ll submit it to the issue tracker on Github.

@LagoonCity: While investigating this I determined that the bug happens at save time, so existing saves that you saved while the bug was present are corrupted. However, if you load them with the latest version, fix the fader position, and then resave, they should be correct from that point onwards.

Which branch are you using? I updated right before I tried to replicate the issue (the version numbers in my last post were copied out of webconf after updating but before I rebooted), and it is still present. The fader is always moved back to the top of the list.

It’s oram. I used the device menu to update, not the webconf.

Your zynthian-ui is way behind, and this is where the bug is. It should be “15d81fb” (though note that this can change rapidly; it hasn’t for the last three weeks though).

If you are unable to update via the webconf, try the device menu, and if that doesn’t work either you can always log into the device with ssh and do it manually with something like:

cd /zynthian/zynthian-ui
git reset --hard
git checkout oram
git pull origin oram

Then reboot afterwards.

This will hard reset and update the branch in your device.

This will push you to the staging branch, not the stable branch. We are due to make a point release soon so, if you want to stick on the stable branch, you should see an update available within the next few days… hopefully.

Oh, my apologies! My own device updated to that commit by itself, so I thought this is what everyone gets.

OTOH, there’s a chance I ended up on this commit by my own doing, while creating this PR. I honestly don’t remember. Best to listen to riban!

Thanks, I’ll look in to this more later today. If a point release is getting close I’ll just wait for that - the Zynthian is still finding its place in my setup, I don’t play out that often these days and right now I’m mostly focused on designing some Puredata patches to run on it so I’m not in a big hurry to fix this.

Eventually I’ll probably prepare a separate cart to run Vangelis.

Thanks for the help!