First time downloading, but only 100 KB/s? guess I'll try it tomorrow. Mirror?

Please can we get a mirror, a copy on github, a torrent, anything but this? I tried looking but didn’t find any. Github probably the easiest place to store these images.

Going forward if I choose to stay with this, is there another version of the “latest” file that is named with the full version number so that I don’t collect a bunch of “latest” versions that I can’t distinguish between?

I believe other projects publish a “latest” link but it always redirects to the actual latest image with a full version number.

Very interested to try this, cheers!

Hi @lilmidi!

Welcome to the community. I hope you enjoy the forum and using zynthian. It is a wonderful universe.

Download bandwidth costs money and Zynthian store is run with low profit margins to provide best value for users. The software is free and open source so itself garners no financial income. There has recently been a new hardware and software release so there is increased interest in zynthian and hence download speeds can be slow but in general, the current infrastructure copes well. If we had a kind benefactor willing to pay for improved hosting then we would love to improve that, like any other part of zynthian but as it stands, the current infrastructure (mostly) works well.

“zynthian-latest-stable” is a link to the most recent stable release. The link is subsequently linked from various websites, hence it provides a single link that does not need to be changed in multiple places after each release. Within the downloaded file is a date-stamped image file, so you can extract the image and have individually identified image files. If someone has a more ingenous way to do this then we would gladly listen. We are an open community that love sharing ideas.



You could potentially split the tar into multiple files so that it’s github friendly but not 100% sure the logistics. I’d be happy to download and leave seeding a torrent (linux distros are quite commonly available here).

For the link I think you missed my point. The link with a consistent URL is good, but it would be ideal for it to do a temporary redirect to whatever the latest version number is of the image so that the downloaded file has some specificity to it right in the name. Otherwise it’s not dissimilar from those graphic design jokes about things named “project_final_final.” Just cleaner to use a date or incrementing number, any type of ID. It’s a standard practice.