Fluidsynth and couple of other engines missing in "add instrument chain" list

when i “add instrument chain”, i cant see fluid synth anywhere.

i already have done:
webconfig, navigate to Software/Engine and gave the fluid synth a checkbox check (seems to be activated), rebootet, checked if the checkbox is still checked, yes its checked.

I uploadet some soundfonts by Libreary/Presets & SOundfonts/fluidsynth/SD-System
also tryd to directly copy the sf2 files directly on SD-Card (from my linux mint laptop)

then i
looged in with ssh on terminal ssh and removed and reinstalled fluidsynth:

sudo apt remove fluidsynth
sudo apt update
sudo apt install fluidsynth

fluidsynth --version
FluidSynth runtime version 2.3.4
Copyright (C) 2000-2023 Peter Hanappe and others.
Distributed under the LGPL license.
SoundFont(R) is a registered trademark of Creative Technology Ltd.

FluidSynth executable version 2.3.4
Sample type=double

rebootet, toggled the checkbox, rebootet again, toggled checkbox, rebootet again.

still no fluidsynth in “add instrument chain” list.

system info:

repo: stable (oram)
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2
zyncoder: [oram (71de6d2) ]
zynthian-ui: [oram (f43f293)]
zynthian-sys: [oram (a717e49)
zynthian-data: [oram (ddfa009)]
zynthian-webconf: [oram (b530397)]

Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Build Date: 2024-09-11
Memory: 28% (1089M/3791M)
SD Card: 19% (22G/117G)
Temperature: 54.0ºC
Overclock: [None]

Snapshots: [17]
User Presets: [2]
User Soundfonts: [0]
Audio Captures: [10]
MIDI Captures: [29]

Tuning: [440 Hz]
Master Channel: [16]
Preload Presets: [Off]
ZS3 (SubSnapShots): [On]
Power Save: [10 minutes]
Audio Levels on Snapshots: [On]

i am glueless, any idea?

Perhaps Fluidsynth is under the category “sampler” instead of engine.

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see the screenshot (above) on webconfig i clearly see “FluidSynth: Sf2, Sf3”

in zynthian itself (connected via hdmi to a computer monitor, controlled via mouse and keyboard)
when i go to Main/Add Chain/add Instrument Chain/ i see a list off instruments (see screenshot above)

when long pressing the “engine” field, i see all aviable engines, and check/uncheck them to hide or not hide, fluidsynth or Sampler is not on that checkbox list.

i can see above the “engine” field, also the “category” field, this shows a big 1/6
a long press or short press on this field, just shows info about the currently selected engine, but now way to switch a category.

i am relativly new on zynthian… does it has normally hardware buttons that switches between categorys? like “sampler”

ok got it, i have to left click on “category” and hold it, then moove the mouse up or down to scroll thru the categorys.

FluidSynth is on Category 2. and there are 6 more categorys - nice!

ok thx now i know more… was not obvios for me,learnd zynthian a bit.

Hi @phatline!

Welcome to zynthianland!!

You seem to know the Linux command line. This is always a good thing, but not needed in this case.

The fluidsynth processor is in the sampler category for sure



We have a user guide too … :wink:

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i know, havent read that completely, since it was new&alot, i was on the “need to know” path, by searching for keywords.

i like zynthian as sound source, also nice that the UART midi and onboard sound is working out off the box, on raspian that was a nightmare, so i tryed zynthian, and i guess i will stick on it!
good job. thx.