Fluidsynth no panning


Pan control on Fluidsynth doesn’t work.
I have a Fluidsynth piano on channel 1 and a Linux Sampler drum on channel 10. Linux sampler audio output out is left but Fluidsynth out is on left and right. It’s annoying as I want them to be separated.

I tried some of the available effects to see if a panning option was available but no chance.


I can confirm that the gm yamaha piano doesn’t pan (not entirely sure the reverb does anything either) .
But my separately loaded Mellotron sfx files can and do pan, so it looks like it’s a sample characteristic.
Depending on how intrigued one is, one could pull the files out of the zynth and see if they behave on the PolyPhone

Anyway I found Calf Stereo Tools that do the job. If someone know a simpler tool to do that it could be cool.


Do you have a link for this so I can see how it is done?

For me, it pans “a little bit”, but not as much as you would like … :wink:
I will do my research …


Is how I loaded them in (they were sf2 files not sfx)
Can’t remember where I bought them but it’s got great stuff like the bosanova tapes for ballroom operations !

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Sorry but in fact I cannot separate left and right channel with Calf Stereo plugin.

How can I do to have one layer on left and the other on right please?

Can’t see any plugin doing this.

This could be integrated in the parameters of the layer.


I will do some research next week. Perhaps the autoconnector is doing something strange …