FX chain / FX send


Is it possible to set up a master FX chain and adjustable FX send for each instrument chain in the mixer, as is the case with mixing consoles?
In this way, you could set up a setup with FX in a snapshot and set the FX send portion differently for each sub-snapshot and chain. Is it possible with ORAM or the latest release?

Yes… and no!

You can route the output of each chain to any other chain which allows grouping and common effects but there is no separate send level, only the channel fader.

There is a feature request for this functionality but it’s not simple (requiring more mix buses) and I am regularly reminded that zynthian isn’t a mixing desk (despite my efforts to make it so!!!).

I am building my portable rig which provides mixing desk functionality in zynthian so maybe I will be inspired to look at this again.