“Gorgona” boots then nothing

I downloaded the SD image for the Pi3 and it was copied successfully onto a 32gb SD card. I plugged the card into a PI3, connected a HDMI monitor and sound.

Plugged in the power - 2.5 A. It seems to go through the basic boot sequence but simply sits doing nothing.

I don’t actually have any of your hardware if that does not matter, what am I doing wrong?



The image expects the standard Zynthian V2 hardware. Otherwise it will not work without changes to the default configuration.

This page will get you started on how to reconfigure for different hardware (that you have).

Here are some guides on building and configuring a Zynthian with different hardware:

I tried placing a text file called ssh into the root directory but yet after the system boot the screen still remains blank. In fact I do not even get as far as the web interface.


The first step in configuring a brand new Zynthian is to connect it to another computer so you can use a web browser to view the built-in webpages (the “webconfig”) in the Zynthian. You do not need ssh for this step. The HDMI screen on your Zynthian is disabled, so you will not see anything on it until you get it reconfigured (using a web browser on another computer)

From the Configuration Users Guide:
Access the configuration tool by using a web browser on the same network as your Zynthian device.

You need another computer with a browser to access this website inside your Zynthian.

Browse to http://zynthian.local

If you your browser can’t find the zynthian.local address, probably you are using a Windows version that doesn’t support the link-local feature and you can’t connect your Zynthian box directly to your computer. Don’t worry. You can connect it to your local network and obtain its IP address Browse to http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx represents the IP address of your Zynthian)

Figuring out the local IP address of your Zynthian is a bit of a problem, as you can’t see it without connecting to it. I figured it out by viewing the Admin pages of my router. Perhaps Others here have suggestions.

For unknown reasons many people are afraid of router admin pages and know nothing about DHCP lease list. It just works by magic :wink:
You can always do a portscan (just on port 80) of the entire local subnet (usually 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x)

OK, I tried the router web interface and could’t find any list of connected WIFI devices. So I tried the Ethernet route and WinSCF simply kept timing out but nevertheless accepted the URL.

I went into PuTTy and gave me ‘access denied’ responses.

If I simply enter ‘http://zynthian.local’ in the browser I am left with a empty page which is better than ‘cannot connect to…’


Windows doesn’t support very well the “local link” feature. You should use the device IP.


…“doesn’t support very well” translates to “I never EVER seen it work in windows systems”. That’s why I have a DNS in my local network.


I have tried using the devices IP but I get the same blank screen as


Once you know the Zynthian device’s IP address, browse to http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
(where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx represents the IP address of your Zynthian box on your local network)

You should see the Zynthian web page login screen as shown here:

If not, and you are certain that you are using the correct IP address for your Zynthian box, then I have no further suggestions. The Zynthian built-in webserver is enabled by default and probably working ok.

Further debugging requires you to ssh (PuTTY) into your Zynthian. (You report that this does not work either.)

OK I connected both Zynthian Pi to a Windows 10 PC with a crossover cable.

I can ping but cannot raise the Web interface with either zynthian.local or the IP address.

I disabled the firewall and the Zynthian network shows as an Unidentified network.


As @gmeader said, you need to ssh into the machine.