Green Arrow Curved Clockwise at Top Right

I feel like this is a stupid question, but what does the green arrow at the top right mean? The user manual covers all the other icons but doesn’t seem to have this one and I can’t find it when searching these forums either.

Zynthian Green Arrow

My attention has been drawn there because I’ve had some hardware issues causing the ’ XRun’ red triangle to show. I have found the cause of this, but now I have this mystery symbol.

I tried a software update in case the ‘software update available’ symbol had changed to this but it still remains. :confused:

Standart instruction are here: Improvements in update system: stable, staging & testing - #13 by jofemodo
And maybe it could be a bug (which happened to me too) described here
Latest Oram update (04/11/24) not completed on custom Pi5 [SOLVED!] - #6 by jofemodo

Thanks, I managed the software update no problem. But my query is regarding the arrow symbol and what does it mean?


The arrow means there are updates available but unfortunately, after the last update, this is broken and needs manual intervention to clear. We hope to fix this in the next point release.

Ah ok I see, thank you. The manual suggests the icon is more like a ‘recycle symbol’ and so when I performed a software update and it didn’t disappear I assumed it must mean something different.


That is a font thing. We should update the user guide to be more representative. Cheers!

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Ah ok, all my queries are resolved, thank you.

I tried running the software update for a second time and I’ve actually managed to clear the green arrow and I now have a green heart so seems like I’m up-to-date with the software too now.


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If you make any change in the code covered by the repositories it may also not clear because git is always determined to hang on to changes you make.

May not be an issue for you, but it is a bit confusing if you encounter it for the first time.

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Ah yes that makes sense and is good to know, thanks again.