Hanging notes and no reaction to CC123 (all notes off) in RC2210

Hi @seanwayland !
I can’t reproduce your issues here. Could you say more about your setup? Chains, clone, etc. Did you keep the low-latency settings or did you revert to factory defaults? Are you using DIN-5 or USB-MIDI? Are you using ACTI mode? MULTI? OMNI? Omni mode is quite new . I suppose you are using testing branch because it’s what i send you with your unit.

MIDI buffers are managed by the Jackd engine, so there is nothing to tweak. They are processed synced with audio, at the same rate.

You could use the MIDI log tool, from the webconf, to see if all MIDI events are getting into the MIDI router and also if they are passing the MIDI router and reaching the chain. Simply select the log port from the select box at top-left in the MIDI log screen.


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I just recorded this to show i can’t reproduce the issue with hanging notes:

BTW, the engine is Pianoteq, but it works the same with any other.


That’s Catalonian jazz, man! :sunglasses:

To answer some of your questions @jofemodo :

and prior to that:
The unit is in “stage” mode with the midi from channel one ( track one in the mixer ) cloned to other channels. If a note is held down on track one and you switch to another channel in the mixer ( which easily happens if you click on the screen bringing another channel into focus ) the midi buffer for channel one doesnt reveive the note off and then you have a hanging note.
If a track is disabled then all notes off should be sent.

It is hard to reproduce. I do think that the midi keyboard I was using was sending spurious midi messages which may have been a factor. A panic button which cleared out the buffers and sent all note off messages on all channels might be a useful feature.

Hold down stop button;-)

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