Happy new Zynthianic 2025!

So… happy new year to everyone! What do you expect from music and Zynthian?
Well, from Zynthian i’d like a more usable arrange mode.
For those about music, i think we are going towards a even more AI-dominated art in every aspect, from production to composition. I guess we are losing something (or maybe a lot) from that.

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Less success and more developers.

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I want zynthian to be more workflow orientated with fewer bugs and for music to be more adventurous. I love to hear old music played by old musicians but expect the next generation to expand the boundaries of what we consider art. (I might not like it though!)

Wishing everyone a productive and rewarding 2025.

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Old guy playing old music… That’s me! But I’m also tempted to explore new ways to obtain sound and to arrange my compositions, that’s why I played with Lisp MIDI macros back in Cakewalk days, even Fortran and C to generate MIDI files, and got myself the Koma Field Kit, and have Pure Data in my todo list for ages. I have no success to trade for development, but I’m willing to help on advancing Zynthian tools like those Ai-enabled theory MIDI pluggins or Performix-like audio plugins, albeit not at the coding level.
Happy new year, everyone!

Happy New year!!!

Here is a wonderful book I found, ages ago, that inspired me to try many things in PureData:

bang Pure Data_2004-2006_169pages_bangbook.pdf

I suggest reading it randomly, rather than sequentially.

Happy New Year!


Thx a lot @tunagenes

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Hi @Nicolaz and everyone here!

I for me expect to find the focus and consistency to explore certain less known areas of the Zynth, which at every hardware and software iteration is proving more and more to be an extremely faceted and versatile Swiss-Army knife of electronic music.

I expect from the Zynthian in 2025 that it completes the integration of some powerful new engines, fully manages JUCE eventually, approaches complete nvme support and further progresses in the currently promising path of GUI evolution.

I also expect from myself, time and various commitments allowing, to finish and finalise two demanding compositional projects, one of which heavily involves the Z.

All best new year’s wishes :rainbow: :star2:


I’m going to do some more looping.


Happy New Year! This year I am starting to sell soundware & samples. My first instrument, in Decent Sampler format (I also have a soundfont) is based on a SYSEX-hacked Korg Audio Gallery AG-10, then sampling out the resultant beautiful chaos:

Dystopia Gallery - My First Instrument! - YouTube

Regarding AI, I hope to continue firmly & loudly opposing it’s invasion into our musical sphere.

Happy new year @zynthtianers. I wish you all the best for 2025.

Regarding Zynthian itself I haven’t got any special expectations. I will rely as usual on your clever suggestions and our skilly devs To do the job :hugs:

For myself: play more music and make the use more Z functionalities as for now my use of it is really basic.

Hi @zynthianers!

Happy 2025 to all of you!! I hope you enjoy a lot this new year, or what it’s almost the same, no big problems and tons of love and fun!!

I’m back to zynthian labs after a 2-weeks break to visit family and friends! This time i preferred to not take with me any zynthian device, so i could focus my attention, so i couldn’t help too much for a time. But i hope to compensate my fault in the next days! :wink:

My zynthianic wishes:

General UI / Keyboard Expander:

  • fix as many bugs as possible
  • improve workflow and usability
  • add some new pro-level engine (guesses?)


  • parameter value / CC sequencing
  • implement basic automation for parameters
  • improve arranger


  • improve integration with zynpad => we need a simpler workflow!
  • improve syncing and smoothness

and of course, much more i can’t remember right now!! :grin:

Huge hug!


Hi @jofemodo :grinning:

Welcome back from your well deserved break, and there is absolutely nothing to compensate, since relationships with the loved ones are the true treasure of life, and you have been constantly available during the whole year to listen/fix/adapt/improve and solve, amongst the multifarious human and technological landscapes of Zynthianworld!

Hmm, lovely words! I think that I might have a vague notion of at least two of those engines, whose names begin by, say… V and X? (perhaps?.. :wink:)

All the very best! :star2:

Well deserved time off. Hope you enjoyed every day of your time off.

I’m really looking forward to this.
Are you thinking MPC style like sample chopping as well or am I way ahead :joy::joy::joy:

I don’t know how MPC does … please, explain and perhaps we could inspire our souls :grin:

Ohh ok, I thought you were familiar with the MPC. I thought the layout of V5 was inspired by the MPC touch/Live.
there’s so much the MPC sampler can do. So let’s start with these.
Let’s say you have a drum break (Amen break for example)
The MPC sampler allows you to slice/chop that drum break based on:

  1. Transients (auto detected but can be adjusted by the user )
  2. Manually ( the user selected where to add slices/chops )
  3. Region (MPC initially breaks that into 16 equal regions but allows you to change this)
    These are the main ones which can be expanded on.
    This is how samples are used in hip hop, whether a drum break, a soul sample or anything you can think of, the MPC allows you to sample it in and chop it to your heart’s desire and replay these chops however you like.

This video explains it, don’t worry about Andy using the pads to chop or creating programs and stuff. the point of showing the video is to see the different ways of chopping on the MPC.

We can already do sample chopping. In zynsampler, set the quantity of beats you want (beats parameter on 8th page of controls) then double tap the waveform and select “Add evenly distributed cue markers”. Or you can manually add cue markers and move them by dragging. This is one of the enabler features in zynsampler that we want to better integrate with zynseq.


I had no idea that can already be done in zynsampler, I usually use zynthian as a sound module and been thinking that it can do more.

I’m used to having the pads (4x4 or 8x8) work directly with the sampler for sample chopping and slicing like mpc, maschine, ableton push etc.

I tried playing with zynsampler before but did not think it can slice or chop samples. I understand zynthian main focus is not sample chopping but having that feature on the 8th page of control did not help me.

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I wonder whether reading the manual might have given a clue!!! :wink:


We need to implement specific (and optimized!) workflows for the different sampler use-cases.
This is one of our goals for this 2025 :wink:

But before doing this, we would need to know what use-cases are the most interesting. perhaps we should open separated thread for discussing sampler integration and workflows.
