Hardcover case for Zynthian V5

In case you were wondering, a hardcover bag made for a Steamdeck will work for Zynthian V5 very well (if you take out the inlet)


That’s a neat idea if you have an internal battery and don’t care about bringing the power adapter, but even though I have one of these that I’m not using at the moment, I’m still inclined to get something which can keep the Zynthian safe but also still hold the power adapter. And hopefully some IO cables also.

I found this case that works perfectly!



Wow that looks really good except that I’m a little suspicious of Temu but I guess beggars can’t be choosers.

I do agree with you about Temu, I won’t buy anything from them again after reading some articles about them in the newspaper.

One could ask in te local music store for an ultralight flight case.
Usually they are custom-made and not expensive and last forever without being too heavy.
Or laser-cut from phenol plywood at the local maker space and build your own.
A chinese plastic thing could damage the silicone buttons and even the display with evapourating chemicals… health is anyway not matter for musicians… :crazy_face:

Hello Zynthian community,
this is my first post here.
Received my Zynthian 5.1 kit last friday and just finished assembling and setup.

A big THANK YOU for the makers and the community for making an excellent, easy to build product like the Zynthian available for people who do not have any experience with electronic music, programming, Midi or Linux (like myself) .
Following the build and setup tutorials was a piece of cake and the Zynthian did work immediately when fĂ­nished!

I come from acoustic instruments (bagpipes) and just recently updated to an electronic bagpipe (redpipes). I play the electronic pipe through a Poly Effects Beebo guitar effects pedal.
I decided to get the Zynthian to be able to use the midi output of the electronic pipe to sound like different instruments (short tests with Zynthian FluidSynthFX electonic guitar, trumpet sf2 did already sound great! ).
To protect the Zynthian i obtained a cost effective “Peli- Case- like” case.
It is quite sturdy and protects the Zynthian well when tossed around at stage.

It is the tectake universal box M and is avalable for 30 ish € :



Great choice! I use the Monoprice equivalent of those cases for almost everything, they’re really nice (I have two small Pelican cases and the knockoffs are every bit as good, if not better in some ways). Only downside is the quality of the pick-and-pull foam is lower than what you get in a brand-name Pelican and starts falling apart after a year or two if you use it a lot, but it’s easy enough to replace if you have to.

EDIT: what are you using as a liner for those compartments that you keep the power supply etc. in?

For the Zythian, though, I’m using this random hard case I found in the trash last year, with an insert made out of scrap foam left over from the Monoprice cases.

That one you’re using looks great also, and for people in the USA Harbor Freight sometimes stocks something similar also.

Not as nice as a Pelican clone, but it’ll do the job to get it safely to my relatives’ place for the holidays tomorrow, and free is a good price.