Hdmi capture for your pi

I talked about this on November’s zynthclub… And now hackaday have published this :-


Thanks for the tip.
It could be really useful on some situations.
I order one for less than 6€ in aliexpress.

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This one looks like the one pictured in the Hackaday article.

really cool.
@gnuv : could you provide a link of whart you have buyed on ali ?

@le51 : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/4001019154773.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.77f76c370YrWGJ

Thks @gnuv

From the link you have provided, I’ve found that one that can be shipped from Europe:

Buy a few and then you could use a raspi as a HDMI switch box for a collection of raspis?

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