Helio software sequencer

I’ve just discovered this:

it’s an open source software sequencer:

and it looks quiet nice :smiley:


thx for the link! - I always search for a simple barebone DAW which runs on Linux and looks reasonable nice. Did you manage to route midi to the Zynthian, i.e. add an “external hardware device” to its “orchestra pit”?

answering myself…
it is discussed here: Midi Out · Issue #139 · helio-fm/helio-workstation · GitHub
falkTX JackAss plugin or a simple Midi ChannelMap plugin seem also to be viable solutions. Can’t test though cause my Zynthian is currently disassembled.

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Hi !

+1000 and who doesn’t look like a nuclear power station control panel.

I didn’t installed the software yet to be honest :sleeping:
