Hello gpt

SynthGPT was an April Fools’ prank launched on April 1st 2023. It doesn’t actually exist (at least not yet!) and it is not available as VST. You cannot download or buy it, it doesn’t work for real, it’s not compatible with any DAW, and the annoying sound it produces is not a glitch or a bug, really, it’s part of the joke. We apologize if it offended anyone. The intention was simply to create a playful prank that was both timely and relevant.

– Soren / Luftrum.

Oh no. You have just delayed “baggy and the zynthclub bellends” new album by 14.6 milliseconds. Our talent algorithm won’t be stopped though.


Remaining entirely ephemeral one suspects…

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Artificial Processing Realtime Intelligence Language - very good! Nice to see we have friends that have the time to have a laugh and create such beatifully crafted jokes. This too is art!

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