Hi, i have a pi4 a touchscreen usb display, a midi keyboard, an hifiberry dac pro plus, and when I use zynthian without midi usb keyboard (nektar impakt) the display works with touch, the raspberry works with audio test file (so audio hifiberry dac pro plus works), but when I add my usb master keyboard nektar impact, everithing goes wrong, the display touch sends midi signals !!!.. and no sound, instead the keyboard nektar impact, not work, no sound from midi, and it open and change the main menu (it act like a pc keyboard instrad of a midi keyboard), so when I press C key , i obtain, the gui menu up (like a pc keyboard up arrow key) and when I press the D key, instead of sound i move the menu , scroll down…like a down arrow key.
What i have to do in wiring and in midi setup, to divide, the touch display , from nektar impact ?
I think in wiring there is a mismatch between usb (touch) and usb midi…
How to configure to listen someting on my amplifier attached to rca exit of hifiberry dac plus pro ?
I listen no midi sound (test midi fails), and i’m very confused because touch display and nektar impact must works separately, instead of sending midi message…
Can you help me ?