How does one power on Zynthian from the kit?

New to Zynthian and recently bought the kit and put it all together. Works great so far but am confused on if it’s possible to power things on from the UI of the kit (dials/knobs/etc) or do I have to unplug and plug it back into the RPi to get it to boot?

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Hi @slm!

Welcome to the Zynthian community. It is great that you are enjoying the device. Please continue to share your experience. Unfortuantely the standard kit does not have a method to power on. You must remove and reapply the power. Some have used PSU with inline switch but this is discouraged as that introduces impedance to the 5V signal and can cause deterioration of performance. You are better off using an official Raspberry Pi PSU and switching off at the mains supply.

There is a mod that could be added but it involves some soldering due to the Zynthian occupying the GPI pins. A momentary push-to-make switch can be added between the Raspberry Pi header pins 5 & 6 which, when pressed will start the Raspberry Pi if it is off but powered. Pin 5 is used by Zynthian for I2C communication so pressing such a button when running may disrupt commmunication with the hardware.

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