How to change ttyAMA to ttyUSB permanently (and change the baud)

I would like to use ttyUSB instead of ttyAMA for midi, I’ve edited the file under /etc/systemd/system/mod-ttymidi, but I’ve noticed on certain intervals the file changes back, possibly when turning vnc on and off…

If there a way to make this stick a little bit longer, so I don’t have to change it so often?

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This file will be overwritten by the update/configure system.
If you want a permanent change, you should add a post-config script:


that perform the changes you want to make permanent in the system. This script will be run after update/reconfig and will allow you to restore your changes.



Thank you! perfect

I set the file… /zynthian/zynthian-my-data/scripts/ with instructions to override ttymidi’s startup

when I enable vnc, it still gets replaced, but calling the script and rebooting fixes it