How to configure latest stable for V2 Kit

Not yet!
I will check the mailbox right now …


Hi @C0d3man !

I already received the all_in_one but forgot to confirm. Sorry mate!
BTW, this weekend i had some time to check with it and i couldn’t find any problem. Just a minor issue with the “wiring customization profile” that is pre-selected, but it doesn’t have any effect in the wiring layout, that is correct. and working. Anyway, i’ve fixed this detail in testing and stable too.
That’s the wiring layout config that you should have when selecting kit v2:

I just checked with latest testing, so perhaps there is some issue in stable already fixed in testing. I don’t want to waste time fixing something that is already fixed, so please, use the latest testing image for V2 kits:

And update it for having the latest fix, although as i told you, it should work without it.

All the best!

P.S. Can i keep the AllInOne module with me for further testing?


Hi @jofemodo

thanks for checking! Strange, because I had had massive problems back then.

Unfortunately, I can no longer test the whole thing because you have my AllInOne board and the rest of the Z2 has migrated to my other Zynthians. I still have some spare parts if anyone is interested (housing, screen, …).

Sure - I no longer have any use for it.

Regards, Holger

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It works in testing branch. As i told you, perhaps there is some issue in stable that is already fixed in testing. Let’s see if someone else with an V2 give some feedback.



You mean like this? How to configure latest stable for V2 Kit - #19 by Baggypants


Hi, I can confirm, now it’s all working (testing-2311 as recommended above).
And nice to see all the additional controls for pianoteq.
Thank you all! :slight_smile: