How to fix MIDI velocity to 127 [solved]

How can i set MIDI velocity to 127 to use for pipe organs or cembalos?

Hi @piattica - Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re asking for - Aeolus is one of the pipe organ oriented synths on default Zynthian, and I think it ignores midi velocity anyway. Perhaps you can explain a bit more about what you are trying to do.

A search on ā€œaeolusā€ will also get you quite a lot of related discussion about how Aeolus works.

Hereā€™s the thread where Aeolus started on Zynthian, note that this is historical, now it is just there in Zynthian:

thank you for the quick answer.
I am looking for a solution to use sf2 pipe organs

You can try add MIDI-FX in Chain Options.
Look on ā€˜MIDI Velocity Adjustā€™ or ā€˜MIDI Velocity Gammaā€™ from LV2-Plugins. You must first actrivate it in webconf http://zynthian.local/sw-jalv-lv2


thank you ToFF, solved

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Thatā€™s got to be worth an addition to the collection!