I Can't Save New Snapshots! [Partially Solved]

I’m trying to save a new snapshot, but the menu option has disappeared.

(Sorry about the sideways pic :confounded:)
Any help will be much appreciated! (There might also be a :face_with_monocle: …)

I haven’t enabled it before, so I can’t say for sure, but it looks like you may have enabled snapshot banks. I’m not sure about the intricacies of this mode, and the wiki isn’t terribly verbose, but if you click down on one of the banks, does it save the snapshot to that bank/location?

No, it does not. Usually there is an option to Create New Snapshot, but it seems to have vanished!

There seems to be a bug that if you have banks of snapshots this disappears. To get back functionality you can delete banks from the webconf.

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@riban Looks like that worked. Thanks for the tip!

And now for that :face_with_monocle:

Tide, by Jtunes


I’d love to see the start of the sequence tabbed out…

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Wish granted!

And the snapshot, too!

001-Tide.zss (72.4 KB)


Has this matter been solved since the last reply ?
“Create New Snapshot” has dissapeared completely since I am using Banks.

I thought it is something I’ve messed up, burned a fresh image (from the last stable image) - this bug is still there. When you solution I have found for now is to make a few copies of extra snapshots and overwrite them in the Banks. But you can’t create a new snapshot :frowning:

It’s solved in testing branch. I will merge it on stable ASAP …


@jofemodo - you are our saviour :wink: ! I am sure, that experienced zynthianers are already lost between the hundreds of snapshots and without Banks it becomes a nightmare !

Thank you for the fast response (as always) !

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Is this still an issue?

Long press on Snapshot encoder ( top right)


It’s a recent change in workflow, but still not documented.


Which commit and branch was that under ?
Replace "snapshot" action by "layer options" (#383) · zynthian/zynthian-ui@0f85a5c · GitHub ?