I didn't perform this.. but I adjusted the synths, voices, and volume for Zynthian

Here’s a midi track that I downloaded from the internet in the 90s to play with a Casio Keyboard and Cakewalk. The Casio had simple sounds… and this song sounded like elevator muzac on the Casio. But on the Zynthian I am getting close. The lead guitar (fast forward 45% of the way to hear it… sounds amazing. I just added a little reverb and chorus to dist guitar #5. I am still searching for the best lead vocal track sound.

I didn’t play this… I just updated the synths, volumes, moved some tracks around to get the timing right, the original midi didn’t sound natural, the timing sounded automated. I tried to add some expression and such… stuff that didn’t exist in the 90s for cakewalk. I don’t think the Casio keyboard sent velocity so everything sounded mechanical.

Let me know what you think


Definitely cross the mechanical /feeling boundary. Love it when the cymbals comes in … :smiley: