Import midi file and use it as pattern

Hi, I was wondering if there is any possibility to import midi file into the sequence as .mid file.

Any suggestions?

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Yes this is already an implemented feature as detailed in the user guide .




I am following the import instructions from wiki to load SMF file into zynseq. It always fail (freeze) very early in the load. I thought that maybe something is wrong with my mdii format so I extracted SMF file from sample patterns e.g. “burkina_01” and try to reimport the same - this also fails.

I am on fully updated oram and MINI V2 hardware.

Please raise a ticket. We haven’t looked at that for a while.

Issue raised. Thanks.

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I don’t see the issue. Where have your reported it? You should ideally use the button on webconf’s dashboard.

Zynthian-ui. Webconf works ok and upload midi file into captures - where it should be.
It fails when i use zynseq ui to import midi file into sequence inside arranger screen.

Please report all issues using the zynthian-issue-tracking repro and ideally using the massive button on webconf dashboard:

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Ah, ok

I have transferred the issue to the issue tracker.

The fault is due to a change in teh sequencer that provides better resolution. It should be fairly simple to fix. Leave it with me…

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I see @riban that you have transferred it. Thanks.



I am able to import single and multi track midi files into the arranger. These are then split into patterns and I can play them when I assign instruments via the chain menu. However, I would love, then, to be able to open these patterns in the pattern editor and edit them there or generally use them in Zynpad. The patterns associated with the imported file have numbers which, apart from the target pattern, I am unable to find in any Zynpad scenes. The first pattern into which I imported the file appears in a scene but selecting the pattern editor takes me back to the arranger on this pattern and no editing is possible
Attached is a file typical of those I have been trying to use.
jm.mid (1.8 KB)

When you import a SMF (.mid) file, zynthian splits the file into tracks, based on the MIDI channel in the SMF and breaks into patterns based on the current beats per bar, etc. settings. This is all put into seperate tracks of a single sequence and will hence all be behind a zynpad button. Each new pattern created is given a unique pattern number that is higher than the existing default patterns assigned to zynpad sequences.

To assign a specific sequence to a pad:

  • Open Arranger view
  • Use up/down to highlight the sequence (pad) you want to use
  • Use menu to “Clear Sequence” or manually remove the patterns in the sequence
  • Use encoder 2 to select the required pattern
  • Add pattern to start of sequence

Perhaps, then, editing imported SMF files in the pattern editor isn’t generally implemented yet, then. That’s OK. I was wondering though, if there is some trick to creating midi files externally so that they will become editable in the pattern editor. I will have a look at my editor settings. If it helps you see my problem I have been trying to import midi from files created in Ardour on Windows and Music Writer on Android. (The file uploaded with my last reply was from Music Writer, I think).

In arranger, bold press / click / SELECT on a pattern to edit.

When you import a SMF it will split across as many patterns and tracks as required. Each pattern can be edited by bold press pattern on arranger.

If the SMF fits one pattern then it will be presented as a single pattern in the sequence and zynpad will play it like a default pattern.

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Thank you so much for your patience with me riban. I see it now. I am into my fourth or fifth week of using Zynthian and my esteem for the software and its developers continues to rocket!

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