Installation of SSD hat in v5.1

Thinking about an installation of a SSD hat for the RPi5 downside (Zynthian installed upside).
How many room is left in the v5.1 between the RPi5 and the control board if everything is assembled?

Look at this, @Tithrion :



It’s a great choice. I bought one.

Kudos to @jofemodo!
My bad… Should’ve searched for NVME not just SSD… :wink:
My initial question had the NVME hat on my existing multi purpose rpi5 in mind.
With your tip I searched again, and found besides your solution another one which might also be interesting and additionally providing support for up to 2280 NVMEs. Otherwise, I couldn’t test it and am not sure if it might possibly conflict with the capacitors of the power part of the mainboard as it would be side mounted:

That said, the smaller solution looks better for me, I think I’ll go for the tested solution also.
Looking forward to my christmas holiday project…
