Is it normal for v5.1 to have a high pitch noise form the device itself?

When i turn on the device i noticed that it has this high pitch noise coming from the device itself no matter is anything connected to it or not.

I can confirm the noise you describe. I also have Zynthian V5.1 and can hear it well in my quiet room. I wonder if it might be coming from the display? Here a sample of that noise, recorded with Zoom H4 and normalized, so that you can hear it. It is a stable 3kHz sound from the device itself.

yes, the same

@pianissimo , @ltignis

How do you perform these measurments ?

can confirm. also just got the v5.1 kit and can hear the noise. its seems to be from the display. you can verify this by waiting for it the display to auto turn off or by lowering the display brightness to 0 (via opt/admin → settings > brightness)

I simply turned on V5.1 with it’s Raspberry Pi 5 8gb RAM inside. Then recorded the emitted little constant Zynthian V5.1 noise with my Zoom recorder in a distance of ~ 5 cm. Then loaded the recorded wav file into Audacity, normalized the recording an did a simple spectrum analysis. There you see a peak at 3kHz.


Hi v5.1 owners!

You are right. The display generates a weak, high pitched sound at 3khz.

It’s a known problem and we are working to remove the noise in the next batch, but we must accept this tiny flaw in the current batch.

I’m really sorry and if some of you find the noise too disturbing, I could offer a refund.

Alternately, when we receive the new displays, hopefully with this issue fixed, we will offer the part in the shop at a very reasonable price.

Anyway, the noise is barely audible and it’s not present in the output signal for sure. In a “normal” studio / rehearsal environment with other stuff running, this noise is not stronger than the noise produced by other PSUs, amplifiers, etc.

My apologies for this and hope most of you find acceptable the little flaw.

Repeat, those who want to fix it, will have access to the “fixed” display in a few weeks, when we receive the next batch.



this stuff is hard. issues like this are pretty much impossible to avoid. i’ve been nothing but impressed by the insane levels of competence and responsiveness by you, your team and the members on here. thank you!


…But, But it’s a major audio component of my forthcoming twenty day opus

“The entire flying life of a dragonfly”

Frankly it’s a short, but highly violent piece. . .

I suppose I could build it as a chain…

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Does this mean, we can send the old display back to you and recieve a new one without any extra costs?

No, sorry. The current display is not really defective. It works perfectly and the manufacturer is not going to return the money we pay for them. Lots of devices produce this kind of high pitch noises, like some PSUs, amplifiers, etc. and they are not considered defective. It’s “by design”, you like it or not. IMHO it’s a design flaw, but the product do the work and it honors the specifications, so you can’t claim it’s broken or defective.

Of course, we don’t like the noise and want to improve it, so we will do our best to ensure the next batch of displays are noise-free. When we receive the new batch of displays free of noise, we will offer them at a very reasonable price, so users wanting to replace their current “slighty noisy” display can do it and have a 100% silent device.

Of course, if you want to return your zynthian V5.1 kit, i would accept it and refund you, as it’s clearly set in the terms & conditions. This is out of discussion.

All the best,


Thank you for your answer! I love my Zynthian v5.1 and I might change the display when the new batch is available.

But for others - do you accept returning kits which are already built?

The terms & conditions agreement says:

If you are not happy with the product, you have 30 days (from the reception date) to return it and we will refund you. For doing so, you must disassemble the kit and send it back in its original state to the address above. You have to pay the returning costs and we wont refund you until we have received the product. If some part is damaged along the process or transport, we would do a partial refund, depending on the damage. Using a good packaging for the returned product will reduce the risk.



Thx for clarification!

@jofemodo : Thanks for the clarification, I figured that noise (related to the display) also when switching it on first time. I usually use over-ears, so not a big deal.

But if there is a fix to the display e.g. add a coil or capacitor or something somewhere please let us know. The expensive solder iron also needs to be used!
Thanks and Best Regards


These 5inch capacitive touch displays are great stuff anyway. It’s easy to reuse them in any other kind of project whenever there will be a new one wich doesn’t create noise on audio subsystem.

One of my Zynthian has such a display but it use an USB interface, I still have to check if the same humm is there …

The display doesn’t create noise in the audio subsystem. It simply produces this wake acoustic high piched noise but the noise is not present in the audio output.

You can hear It in a silent room or putting your ear close to the display, but you wont hear the noise in your speakers or headphones.


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I think this is coming from the backlight voltage inverter on the display PCB - it is a common issue with resonance effects inside of inductors or ceramic capacitors. If someone is skilled to add/change some of the ceramic capacitors surrounding the inverter chip by soldering, it can be tested if the noise will be weaker or completely gone at last. I don´t have the kit right now, otherwise I would check it for myself.

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This is a phenomenon called “coil whine” where a current passing through a coil causes the coil to mechanically oscilate. It is common in GPUs and displays. Some laptop manufacturers say it is not a fault and just live with it. GPU and laptop / display manufacturers seem to have accepted this sometimes happens and that most consumers can be persuaded to accept it.

I am reminded of how many of us, especially those who worked in TV, developed a notch in our hearing at 15625 Hz due to line whistle emitted by CRTs showing 625 line PAL.

I noticed it on my V5 but as @jofemodo says, it is a manufacturing artifact that he is seeking resolution. Some have had some success in using think cyanoacrylate based glue (e.g. SuperGlue) to wick into and under coils, sealing them and reducing the transmission of sound. My WaveShare sceeens do not make this sound so let’s hope that a resolution is found with the suppy and we can all enjoy serene silence once more. Philip Glass would approve.


Just have built my Zynthian V5.1 Kit. Everything works well. But sorry I have to say the high pitch voice coming from the display is very annoying. Hopefully there will be an idea to lower the noise.

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