Issue with weak audio levels

Hey guys,
I came across a strange issue that seems to persist in the current version, so I thought I’d just bring it to attention here.
I created two snapshots, one using Dexed, the other using NoizeMaker. The audio output from the Dexed snapshot is much louder than from the other one. If I ramp up the volume and gain controls in the Noizemaker snapshot, I get distortion, while the audio output level ist still rather low. The audio meters in the mixer also show clipping. All in all, I can’t seem to get the full output level from the “quiet” snapshot with the available controls.
I provided both snapshots here for you to test, if you like. I hope somebody can help me out of this. Thanks a lot in advance!
010-trancearp.zss (45.6 KB)
015-dextal.zss (27.6 KB)

When you say “current version”, what do you mean? What is your hardware setup? Etc.


Hi, I run a Zynthian V5 on a Ras4 with 8GB. “current version” means the latest image freshly flashed and software updated today. I didn’t change any settings, I only transferred both snapshots in question. I use a simple MIDI USB keyboard for input and get the audio signal from the headphone jack.

Latest stable or latest testing (Oram Bookworm)?


It’s latest stable. Should I try testing?

Yes. We are not working on the latest stable because we are really close to release a new one, with a lot of improvements and fixes. Its name is Oram and it’s based in “Bookworm 64 bits”, so you can’t update from current stable. You must download and burn a new SD.

There are a lot changes, so please, read the threads about Oram and be prepared to change your mind. Specially disrupting is the removing of stage/multi modes as global options. Now this is a per-device option. The way of layering sounds is also quite different. “Clone” option has been removed and now you can have several chains in the same MIDI channel. MIDI and audio routing have improved a lot. Etc.


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Ah, alright. Thanks alot, I’ll give the new version a try and report back on my issue if it’s still there.

So I ran the testing image 2024-05-22 and got low audio output level again. I figured that the headphone output control in alsamixer was set very low, so I set it to 0 db and finally got good output from all engines I tested (SFZ, ZynAddSub, Dexed, NoizeMaker…).
Perhaps nobody else but me uses headphone output to interface with :slight_smile: so I think I just write a small startup script to max the alsamixer output controls as soon as the stable image gets released.
Thanks again!

The balanced audio outputs have better quality if you are going to connect it to an external amplifier. Headphones output is thought for connecting headphones. Up to you!


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