OK. So I’ve just tested audio recording on a brand new USB flash drive and problems not occurred.
One thing closed.
Since we know the issue, I think that it should be addressed somehow.
Currently I have two ideas:
- There should be some information for Zynthian user that recorded audio was corrupted and it should be clearly stated that slow USB flash drives may cause such problems somewhere on a wiki.
Minimum acceptable solution will be just log errors from jack_capture in UI log, and best will be to popup this information in GUI (currently it seems there are no such notification implemented). - We can make use RAM (RPi4 has a lot of free MB, even GB) to write recordings to temp location on RAM disk and then copy it to USB/sdcard. It should be also configurable in webconf whether RAM disk should be used for audio recording.
First solution is quite easy to implement, and I may try to make PR next month.
But second may be also beneficial for some other features, for example: