Issues with first run (no sound, no webconfig...)

Hello all of you,

I have a really little expérience in Raspberry pie but i did mount several recalboxes for friends and i always found solutions with hardware or software problems on the road, but here i’m totally lost !

Received my zynthian package V2 (all alu case V2), built it in 3 hours (nice tutorial, except some outdates photos that sometimes are confusing but great explanations) without material problem (i double checked all solderings, controlled everything that might be !), flashed a fully functional micro SD card (32Go) with the latest build (gorgon omega for V2), pluged the box with official RP3 powerbloc, and launched the beast.

The ui appeared (niiiiice !), but here come the problems :

  • First Boot : normal things described in the wiki, nice

  • Test the Controllers : everything’s in place and fully controlling the UI, nice

  • Test the Audio Output : zynthian pluged in my usual amplified mixing table (RCA first time, jack second time, all of them third time ! all cables cleared !) and… nothing !

I mean nothing at all…

So i starded to roam on the forum and tried to enter the webconfig and… i’ve got the login page, i have noted the IP adress of RP via zynthian (first option admin menu), i login with the appropriate mdp (raspberry) aaaaand… nothing !

If i retry with wrong password (for exemple “whydontyouletmeinmotherfkkkkkk”) i have un message “wrong password” (right man, ti’s not that !), so i guess i’m good with raspberry… but i stay on the login page and i only can redo the same !

Last i tried to join the RP on network but… “host doesn’t exist” for putty and is invisible in the home network, as well if i plug it directly in the router.

I’m totally lost here :
1 - no sound at all, i’m unfamiliar with hifiberry and the documentation is very light on their site (seems there’s never problem with it… never !)
2 - impossible to get the RP on the network, all my recalboxes are visible without problem but not zynthian

I can’t find a way to control if the hifiberry have un hardware problem (the tiny green LED working continuously, i don’t even now if its a normal thing ?), and if the UI fully working, where else could the problem be ?

Help would be appreciated !

Many thx to you precious fellows of zynthian society :slight_smile:

S*** i forgot one important thing regarding the update : i’ve done it a couple of times, via zynthian UI.
First time the script worked, i supposed it was good (plugged at PC via RJ45, pc to web via wifi).
Next times it doesn’t launch the procedure, but i don’t have message error of some sort.
tried with RP directly plugged in the box, same result.
I guess it means the update wasn’t necessary but no message is displayed so…
Impossible to try another method because beh… zynhtian’s not visible on network and login webconfig problem…

what is the ip of your pc and what is the ip of your zynthian?
Regarding webconf and password. What kind of browser do you use?
Try Chrome instead of Firefox.
How Firefox handles uncorrect/self-signed SSL certificates killed Firefox imho.

Don’t connect RCA and 6.35 jack at the same time.

But getting a connection with ssh is the first thing, that needs to work.

First ; big thx ! i had abandoned chrome for years, so i didnt expect that FF would be a source of trouble.
I have access to webconfig now via chrome (i retried under FF with cache suppressed but meh… no progress !).
But i don’t get useful tools in it, for my problem (no sound) i mean…
I could control the volume of hifiberry, it’s on 100 so, not the source of the problem either.
Now i don’t know where to search…
pc’s ip is, zynthian IP is It’s still “host doesn’t exist” in putty.
is there a possibility to send commands from webconfig ?

update : i finally could “talk” with zynthian via putty, and accessing commandlines.
did the update procedure, terminated with a “server connexion ended”, no result visible, but a log unreadable for me…
2019-01-28 14:30:00 Connecting
2019-01-28 14:30:00 We claim version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Release_0.70
2019-01-28 14:30:00 Server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.7p1 Raspbian-5+deb8u4
2019-01-28 14:30:00 Using SSH protocol version 2
2019-01-28 14:30:00 Doing ECDH key exchange with curve Curve25519 and hash SHA-256
2019-01-28 14:30:00 Server also has ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/ssh-dss/ssh-rsa host keys, but we don’t know any of them
2019-01-28 14:30:00 Host key fingerprint is:
2019-01-28 14:30:00 ssh-ed25519 256 34:be:94:7f:49:5a:18:5a:d6:8e:dd:bc:07:b9:df:db
2019-01-28 14:30:36 Initialised AES-256 SDCTR client->server encryption
2019-01-28 14:30:36 Initialised HMAC-SHA-256 client->server MAC algorithm
2019-01-28 14:30:36 Initialised AES-256 SDCTR server->client encryption
2019-01-28 14:30:36 Initialised HMAC-SHA-256 server->client MAC algorithm
2019-01-28 14:30:59 Sent password
2019-01-28 14:30:59 Access granted
2019-01-28 14:30:59 Opening session as main channel
2019-01-28 14:30:59 Opened main channel
2019-01-28 14:30:59 Allocated pty (ospeed 38400bps, ispeed 38400bps)
2019-01-28 14:30:59 Started a shell/command
2019-01-28 14:37:17 Server unexpectedly closed network connection
login as: root

zynthian rebooted each time and no change, no sound…

Looks like your system could have some level of corruption in some files, at least. Can you reinstall it on the SD and inform if it worked?

Your Zynthian wasn’t connected correctly to your lan, when it had the address starting with 169…

In the webconf on the system page where you can change the name and password, there is a button, where you can regenerate keys…do that.

1 Like

It was a huge step thanks to this ! thk you : it responds well, compiled code for a while and… a new server interuption here after those lines :

Updating zynthian-webconf …
remote: Enumerating objects: 157, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (157/157), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (64/64), done.
remote: Total 364 (delta 110), reused 138 (delta 92), pack-reused 207
Receiving objects: 100% (364/364), 633.59 KiB | 543.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (247/247), completed with 34 local objects.
5b70cee…ecb344c master -> origin/master

  • [new branch] gh38-drag_and_drop_fix -> origin/gh38-drag_and_drop_fix
  • [new branch] gh41-midifilter -> origin/gh41-midifilter
  • [new branch] jalv -> origin/jalv
    error: git-pull died of signal 13

it could be a normal end for update ?

… still no sound :-/

Relaunched the update from zynthian UI : seems to have gone to the end, rebooted.
A new UI appeared, guess it’s finally over…

… still no sound :-/

Worth : i have gone further and tested midi with a midi keybord USB-MIDI

…no sound,no keyboard detected.

I’m starting to think that it’s the RPI the problem (it seems not to recognize a usb pc keyboard even, impossible to adress commandlines or typing something on control screen - pluged the HDMIon tv… plenty of code :slight_smile:)

I’m kind of desperate now…

I think it’s down to the interaction of the pipe and the && in this line if the things on the right of the pipe exit before the things on the left.

I don’t get it sorry, don’t see were or what to control…

Tried to retry from scratch, new flash, install, connecting to webconfig, connecting via putty ok, update, everything went well except the final server connexion lost right after this part :
Updating zynthian-webconf …
remote: Enumerating objects: 157, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (157/157), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (64/64), done.
remote: Total 364 (delta 110), reused 138 (delta 92), pack-reused 207
Receiving objects: 100% (364/364), 633.59 KiB | 353.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (247/247), completed with 34 local objects.
5b70cee…ecb344c master -> origin/master

  • [new branch] gh38-drag_and_drop_fix -> origin/gh38-drag_and_drop_fix
  • [new branch] gh41-midifilter -> origin/gh41-midifilter
  • [new branch] jalv -> origin/jalv
    error: git-pull died of signal 13

Still no f****** sound. i’m feeling sudenly depressed !

I’ll give a shot with a new sd card tomorrow,you never know…

You need to update twice.
I always update again, when I see the
git-pull died of signal 13

In the webconf there is a midi page.
In the advanced view, at the bottom, you find a + button that opens the midi ports.
Is everything listed that you would expect? And activated?
How did you connect the Zynthian with the keyboard?
Do you have a midi keyboard as usb host? Or are you using a 5pin port?
In case of usb, try the single channel mode.

Updated again, it stopped at “updating webconfig”, no more text then.

Still, the test sound fail.

is what i see with the midi (midi to usb) keyboard.
Everything seems normal to me, but unsure…
The infos under the “midi port” are this :
Seems not right…
Don’t see were to pass in single channel…

You need to update until you see a
Already up-to-date


Everything is “already up to date” (last update via zynthian UI) webconfig included.


audio test failed…

How do you test? What is connected to the amp?
SSH into the machine and show us the result of amixer.

I’m testing with the integrated tools (sound test and midi test from the UI), pluged by RCA to mixing table edirol M100FX, tried on headphone output and the usual homestereo output (playing non amplified instruments with this setup many years from now, never had a problem, that’s why for now i can’t imagine it could be this the problem, playing open theremin with this for example, it works fine, but never know).

I’ll test amixer tonight, the command “amixer” only or a more complex command is needed to identify problems ?

I’ll mount a SD card with volumio tonight also and trying the RP/HFBerry away from zynthian too, see i f it not simply a bad card / bad RP / bad HFberry til the beginning.

I found hard to be so stuck with a plug and play DIY machine, it seems very rare !

You havent connected RCA and Headphone at the same time?
And just amixer, so that we know, if the soundcard shows up properly.

Zynthian’s RCA out => Mix table RCA in => headphones mix table out => headphones


Zynthian’s RCA out => Mix table RCA in => master out mix table out => homestereo in => homesstereo speakers

usual connexion with comparable instruments (i tried with different chains, and tested each with a monotron et ipod => it worked, as usual). Something’s wrong with this for zynthian’s case ?

I’m not plugin headphones directly on zynthian’s jack (i guess it wouldn’t work if the HFberry dac+ doesn’t have amp module no ?).

I’ll do amixer as soon as i leave work and post the results.

that was my point…


okay, here comes the amixer :

root@zynthian:~# amixer
Simple mixer control ‘DSP Program’,0
Capabilities: enum
Items: ‘FIR interpolation with de-emphasis’ ‘Low latency IIR with de-emphasis’ ‘High attenuation with de-emphasis’ ‘Fixed process flow’ ‘Ringing-less low latency FIR’
Item0: ‘FIR interpolation with de-emphasis’
Simple mixer control ‘Analogue’,0
Capabilities: pvolume
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Playback 0 - 1
Front Left: Playback 1 [100%] [0.00dB]
Front Right: Playback 1 [100%] [0.00dB]
Simple mixer control ‘Analogue Playback Boost’,0
Capabilities: volume
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: 0 - 1
Front Left: 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
Front Right: 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
Simple mixer control ‘Auto Mute’,0
Capabilities: pswitch
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Front Left: Playback [on]
Front Right: Playback [on]
Simple mixer control ‘Auto Mute Mono’,0
Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Mono: Playback [on]
Simple mixer control ‘Auto Mute Time Left’,0
Capabilities: enum
Items: ‘21ms’ ‘106ms’ ‘213ms’ ‘533ms’ ‘1.07s’ ‘2.13s’ ‘5.33s’ ‘10.66s’
Item0: ‘21ms’
Simple mixer control ‘Auto Mute Time Right’,0
Capabilities: enum
Items: ‘21ms’ ‘106ms’ ‘213ms’ ‘533ms’ ‘1.07s’ ‘2.13s’ ‘5.33s’ ‘10.66s’
Item0: ‘21ms’
Simple mixer control ‘Clock Missing Period’,0
Capabilities: enum
Items: ‘1s’ ‘2s’ ‘3s’ ‘4s’ ‘5s’ ‘6s’ ‘7s’ ‘8s’
Item0: ‘1s’
Simple mixer control ‘Deemphasis’,0
Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Mono: Playback [on]
Simple mixer control ‘Digital’,0
Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Playback 0 - 207
Front Left: Playback 207 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
Front Right: Playback 207 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control ‘Max Overclock DAC’,0
Capabilities: volume volume-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Capture channels: Mono
Limits: 0 - 40
Mono: 0 [0%]
Simple mixer control ‘Max Overclock DSP’,0
Capabilities: volume volume-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Capture channels: Mono
Limits: 0 - 40
Mono: 0 [0%]
Simple mixer control ‘Max Overclock PLL’,0
Capabilities: volume volume-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Capture channels: Mono
Limits: 0 - 20
Mono: 0 [0%]
Simple mixer control ‘Volume Ramp Down Emergency Rate’,0
Capabilities: enum
Items: ‘1 sample/update’ ‘2 samples/update’ ‘4 samples/update’ ‘Immediate’
Item0: ‘1 sample/update’
Simple mixer control ‘Volume Ramp Down Emergency Step’,0
Capabilities: enum
Items: ‘4dB/step’ ‘2dB/step’ ‘1dB/step’ ‘0.5dB/step’
Item0: ‘4dB/step’
Simple mixer control ‘Volume Ramp Down Rate’,0
Capabilities: enum
Items: ‘1 sample/update’ ‘2 samples/update’ ‘4 samples/update’ ‘Immediate’
Item0: ‘1 sample/update’
Simple mixer control ‘Volume Ramp Down Step’,0
Capabilities: enum
Items: ‘4dB/step’ ‘2dB/step’ ‘1dB/step’ ‘0.5dB/step’
Item0: ‘1dB/step’
Simple mixer control ‘Volume Ramp Up Rate’,0
Capabilities: enum
Items: ‘1 sample/update’ ‘2 samples/update’ ‘4 samples/update’ ‘Immediate’
Item0: ‘1 sample/update’
Simple mixer control ‘Volume Ramp Up Step’,0
Capabilities: enum
Items: ‘4dB/step’ ‘2dB/step’ ‘1dB/step’ ‘0.5dB/step’
Item0: ‘1dB/step’